Sorry for setting off some of your spam alarms....but this concept of
autosynchronizing file systems is VERY cool....and quite a few of those in
this list have asked me questions on how you would be able to achieve just
such an action....I also apologize if some of you got more than one copy....

I've been playing with some new systems that do fileserver (CIF aka
microsoft networking, and NFS) file system aggregation.  The concept is that
a device (software or hardware) will front end multiple file systems and
then present them to users via a CIF or NFS interface.  So that's the
aggregation portion....but these new systems also provide a way to have a
multitide of such aggregation servers (they don't have to front end another can also just present the local file system on the aggregation
server) that will auto synchronize those file systems.

So the scenario is that Radiant Data Systems has a linux system that allows
you to synchronize a file system across a wide area network.  After the
initial synchronization, it only sends the changes to lower your overall
bandwidth utilization.  In addition this secure communication provides a way
to apply rules on how fast/often/etc these file systems need to be sync'd
and provides a simple way to keep your file systems sync'd, no matter how
many systems you may have.

Sooooo....I've arranged for a presentation:

When:    June 26th, 6pm to 8pm
Where:   Kuykendall rm 303
Who:     Anyone rsvp necessary
What:    Presentation on the technology and product
How:     Just come on down, invite friends.....

/brian chee

University of Hawaii ICS Dept
Advanced Network Computing Lab
1680 East West Road, POST rm 311
Honolulu, HI  96822
808-956-5797 voice, 808-956-5175 fax

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