Well for one thing CompUSA doesnt need to hawk their services since they do about 3.2 million dollars a month in direct sales.  The main reason they are doing this is simply because I asked them to.  I think that Linux training and specifically RHCE (Redhat) should be available here as it is on the mainland. Also jobs, outsourcing here local talent allows those living here in Hawaii to stay here rather than having to go to the mainland just to work. Ive been pushing this for two years. Ive even met with Linda Lingles group to discuss this matter since she has the potential and momentum to become the next governer of Hawaii. 

>Otherwise, more power to you Charles Paul, maybe >everyone should start
>hawking their services on this list.  Seriously, we just >when round and
>round about netiquette a few days ago.  I think you >should re-think
>permitting these commerical announcements on the mail >list no matter how
>well meaning they may be.

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