A new release of Lucene is available, 1.2 release candidate 3.

The new release can be downloaded from:

If no major problems are identified in the next few days, we will make a 1.2
final release--the first final release since Lucene entered Apache!

Release notes follow.


Lucene 1.2RC3 Release Notes

 1. IndexWriter: fixed a bug where adding an optimized index to an
    empty index failed.  This was encountered using addIndexes to copy
    a RAMDirectory index to an FSDirectory.

 2. RAMDirectory: fixed a bug where RAMInputStream could not read
    across more than across a single buffer boundary.

 3. Fix query parser so it accepts queries with unicode characters.
 4. Fix query parser so that PrefixQuery is used in preference to
    WildcardQuery when there's only an asterisk at the end of the
    term.  Previously PrefixQuery would never be used.

 5. Fix tests so they compile; fix ant file so it compiles tests
    properly.  Added test cases for Analyzers and PriorityQueue.

 6. Updated demos, added Getting Started documentation. (acoliver)

 7. Added 'contributions' section to website & docs. (carlson)

 8. Removed JavaCC from source distribution for copyright reasons.
    Folks must now download this separately from metamata in order to
    compile Lucene.  (cutting)

 9. Substantially improved the performance of DateFilter by adding the
    ability to reuse TermDocs objects.  (cutting)

10. Added IndexReader methods:
      public static boolean indexExists(String directory);
      public static boolean indexExists(File directory);
      public static boolean indexExists(Directory directory);
      public static boolean isLocked(Directory directory);
      public static void unlock(Directory directory);
    (cutting, otis)

11. Fixed bugs in GermanAnalyzer (gschwarz)


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