
It's easier to upgrade the Lustre version than your OS, IMO. So, if you want to run a RHEL/CentOS 8 derivative, then you may need to go with 2.14 on your servers for now and then upgrade to 2.15 (future LTS), once that becomes stable. That's our current plan.


On 11/22/21 5:37 AM, Peter Jones via lustre-discuss wrote:
Hi Einar

Based on the results we see in the OpenSFS community survey, the data clearly 
shows that the majority of sites stick to the LTS releases. Lustre 2.12.8 LTS 
is in release testing ATM.  From survey results again, most current Centos 
users intend to use either Rocky or Alma when they move to 8.x versions.


On 2021-11-22, 5:29 AM, "lustre-discuss on behalf of Einar Næss Jensen" 
<lustre-discuss-boun...@lists.lustre.org on behalf of einar.nass.jen...@ntnu.no> wrote:

     Hello everyone.
Thanks for all help in the past.
     We are in the process of installing a new lustre system, and we are unsure 
what version to use.
     Our current system is 2.10, and we are debating wether we should go for 
2.12.x lts, 2.14.x or wait for new lts version
Is there an expected release date for next lts? Do you (the community) stick to lts, or do you run the more recent versions? BTW: What is Lustre plans with regards to centos? Will Rocky be the way forward? Best Regards
Sent from my ICE X Supercomputer
     Einar Næss jensen
     +47 90990249
     lustre-discuss mailing list
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