FWIW, my remote url looks a little different. Namely, it includes my username 
and the port number.

[remote "wc"]
        url = ssh://ho...@review.whamcloud.com:29418/fs/lustre-release
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/wc/*

My ssh config:
Host review.whamcloud.com
  Hostname review.whamcloud.com
  Port 29418
  User hornc
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gerrit

I hope that helps.

Chris Horn

From: lustre-discuss <lustre-discuss-boun...@lists.lustre.org> on behalf of Åke 
Sandgren <ake.sandg...@umu.se>
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 1:39 AM
To: Kira Duwe via lustre-discuss <lustre-discuss@lists.lustre.org>
Subject: [lustre-discuss] Problems pushing update to patch

I've probably messed up somehow but I can't see how.
When doing git push I'm getting this:
skalman [lustre-release-whamcloud]$ git push review HEAD:refs/for/master
ak...@review.whamcloud.com: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
skalman [lustre-release-whamcloud]$

My ssh key for review.whamcloud.com matches what is available on review, and 
this worked when i made the initial push a while back

skalman [lustre-release-whamcloud]$ cat .git/config
[remote "review"]
        url = ssh://review.whamcloud.com/fs/lustre-release
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/review/*
skalman [lustre-release-whamcloud]$ grep -A7 review ~/.ssh/config
Host review.whamcloud.com
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    User ake_s
    Port 29418
    ForwardX11 no
    ForwardAgent no
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/lustre
skalman [lustre-release-whamcloud]$ ssh-add -l | grep lustre
2048 SHA256:vpe/............................... /home/a/ake/.ssh/lustre (RSA)

Any ideas?

Ake Sandgren, HPC2N, Umea University, S-90187 Umea, Sweden
Internet: a...@hpc2n.umu.se  Mobile: +46 70 7716134  Fax: +46 90-580 14
WWW: http://www.hpc2n.umu.se<http://www.hpc2n.umu.se>
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