Hi all,
Today I played a bit with Lustre 2.10.2 using the debs for Ubuntu 16.04
client and I was trying to use lnetctl which returned the following error:
lnetctl: error while loading shared libraries: liblnetconfig.so.2: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

The reason for this initially seemed to be that I had not installed
lustre-dev which listed liblnetctl.so as part of its' content.
However it turns out that this liblnetctl.so is just a dead symlink to

So it seems to me there are 2 issues with the debs:
1. liblnetctl.so seems to be missing
2. liblnetctl.so should either be in lustre-utils or lustre-utils should
depend on lustre-dev so that I can't install one without the other....

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