On 04/10/2013 07:17, John Lenti wrote: 
> Speaking as a full-time theorbo player, I feel that I can say with some 
> authority that the theorbo cannot be held comfortably by anyone ever. What 
> you do is you play near the bridge and suffer, pop some Advil, suffer some 
> more, pop a Demerol, more massage, claw at the strings nearish the bridge, 
> Demerol, suffer, stretch, suffer, take a month off, and then start over. The 
> theorbo is out to get you, and it will win.

I bring up John’s memorable (and, alas, accurate) 5-year-old remarks because 
the current issue of Early Music America has a feature story on the Seattle 
Baroque Orchestra, which includes a picture of him playing a concerto for 
electric theorbo, an instrument I had never imagined, but which looks like 
John’s ergonomic dream instrument.  On to victory...

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