Hi there,
   I'm looking for some opinions about the best makers for 13 course
   baroque lutes and in particular, if anyone has experience with Karl
   Kirchmeyr's instruments. He makes an Edlinger with a 77.5 cm string
   length which sounds very appealing. I like the idea of a very large
   baroque lute! I have a 75 cm SL  Jauch by Ivo Magherini which is
   excellent. I was going to go back to Ivo but unfortunately he has
   stopped making instruments
   I have thought about an Unverdorben from Malcolm Prior... But 7200
   pounds is just too expensive to justify. There is also Busato, but are
   they too cheap to be any good? Obviously Martin Shepard, a contributor
   to this forum, is also a consideration too.
   Thanks for your help! --

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