On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 23:53:54 +0300, wikla wrote
> Dear (continuo-)lutenists,
> there are (at least) two examples of duets for two continuo 
> instruments - only the numbered bass line written - but meant to be 
> played as otherwise all improvised duet. The one I remembered and 
> also found in the Net, is by
> G. Strozzi, see 
> There is at least one other similiar case - got also it nearly 20 
> years ago from S. Stubbs (if memory serves...). And it also is in my 
> bookshelf, I know that, but I cannot find it... Anyone has any idea?

Hmm, I don't know about "Continuo Duet" - but there are the of course the 
partimento duets by Pasquini, maybe you think of these?
> Next month in a music course I might have possibility to play with a
> professional baroque harpist, and this kind of improvisation stuff 
> could be most enjoyable! And I've done these two in a course in 
> Bremen in the beginning on 90's...

I'll use the Pasquini ones in a course next weekend :-)


R. Mattes -
Hochschule fuer Musik Freiburg

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