Hi everyone,
   I would like to share with you a really great project developed here in
   Spain.Here you have a description but please, visit the full article to
   read everything about the project, including photos and a nice
   interview with the two main leaders.
   "Despertando instrumentos dormidos" has inherited most of its concepts
   from pioneering initiatives such as Santiago de Compostela or Puivert.
   From the study of instruments and presentation at the International
   Symposium on the Cover of Ripoll in 2013, the project go further and to
   carry out the recreation wood stone sculptures of over forty
   instruments that appear on the cover Romanesque.
   The building process of these instruments has been open to the public,
   supplemented by lectures and workshops. More than 1,000 people have
   followed these activities: students of schools in the region,
   interpreters of medieval music researchers and the general public have
   accompanied us in this adventure that we now want to continue beyond
   These reconstructions of unique instruments form part of a concert and
   an exhibition that aim to explain the details of the Monastery of
   Ripoll (candidate for World Heritage Site by UNESCO) and the importance
   of medieval culture developed in Catalonia between centuries X and
   De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Ley OrgA!nica 15/1999 de
   ProtecciA^3n de Datos de carA!cter Personal DAVID MORALES DE FRAAS, con
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   datos de carA!cter personal que facilite forman parte de un fichero,
   responsabilidad del mismo, para la gestiA^3n administrativa de los
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   una comunicaciA^3n por escrito a la direcciA^3n indicada anteriormente
   o al correo electrA^3nico [2]h...@cuerdaspulsadas.com con la referencia
   "ProtecciA^3n de Datos" incluyendo copia de su Documento Nacional de
   Identidad o documento identificativo equivalente. La informaciA^3n
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   1. http://cuerdaspulsadas.es/blog/despertando-instrumentos-dormidos/
   2. mailto:h...@cuerdaspulsadas.com
   3. mailto:h...@cuerdaspulsadas.com

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