Here is a free WAV file for ear training.  In the past,
I have found such ear training musically helpful and
challenging.  I once audited a course in introductory 
musicianship at a large music school, and this type of 
ear training was an important part.

Please do not advertise the WAV file outside of our lute forum --
my server does not have unlimited bandwidth.

You will need a sound-capable computer.

The WAV file contains ascending and descending melodic
intervals.  Later I will make a fancier one with more 
challenging exercises, and perhaps some exercises
dedicated to issues in early music, such as temperament
identification and mode identification.

Error reports and suggestions are welcome.


1. Download the file, using the URL
2. Double click the file.
3. You will hear
      a. a sequence of two tones,
      b. three second of silence during which you should
         identify the interval to yourself, and
      c. a sequence of beeps which indicate how many frets
         (half-steps) separate the two tones.

For example:
    a. The note G followed by the note A.
    b. Three seconds of silence.
    c. Two beeps, indicating that the notes were two frets
       apart (a major second).

Please do not advertise this outside of our lute forum --
my server does not have unlimited bandwidth.  If you really
want to do this, you are welcome to copy the WAV file to
your own server.  You can get one easily and cheaply thru 
commercial services such as HostGator or GoDaddy (try HostGator

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