Are the lutenist and stylophonist out of jail yet?

Stravinsky's arrangement of the Star Spangled Banner was on display this
season in Symphony Hall (next to the autograph of the Symphony of Psalms).
He didn't get arrested, but didn't
perform his arranngement at the next concert, either.  Boston police are
said to have visted him backstage before the repeat of the concert. At the
time according Massachusetts law, it was a crime to deface or parody the
anthem.  The famous Boston PD mug shot with this YouTube performance is
unknown (the date is wrong for his version of the
anthem--1944). It may be a hoax. Or a Stravinsky look-alike. Here is
Stravinsky's version performed at
a safe distance from Boston by the London SO.

In WW_I BSO Music Director Karl Muck was jailed and interned for a year for
NOT playing the national anthem. He didn't know it was on the out-of-town
program. Omitting it was falsely taken as evidence of his loyalty to Germany (he was

The Queen's Jubilee is also being celebrated today at 2 pm in Boston near
the Old State House, where Elizabeth spoke from the balcony in 1976. But the
Declaration of Independence was read 200 years before from the same balcony.
(I wonder if she was aware that she was also looking down on the site of the
Boston Massacre.)

To celebrate the Jubilee, Charlotte and I are having Coronation Chicken for
dinner.  Those have been 60 good years, in my opinion.
----- Original Message ----- From: "WALSH STUART" <>
To: "Lutelist" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 8:41 AM
Subject: [LUTE] unusual combination: lute and stylophone




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