
I can help. as I have both of those editions.  It seems from your 
request that you need just the voice and tablature parts.  I shall 
scan and send in a few minutes.


At 05:23 PM 3/12/2012, Martin Eastwell wrote:
>Years ago, my copy of the London Pro Musica edition of Verdelot madrigals,
>set for lute and voice by Willaert, disappeared. I don't think the promised
>reprinted is yet available and the SPES facsimile is also out of print, but
>I need a copy of "Quanto sia liet' il giorno" for a concert as soon as
>possible. Is there an online copy, or can any kind person help with a scan
>or a Fronimo file?
>Many thanks
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Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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