Thank you to all who gave me precious indications concerning the Weiss
   London manuscript.
   It's really INVALUABLE to always get your very kind help.
   All the best,
   Luca Manassero on 10/01/15 16:57 wrote:

   Dear collective wisdom,

   I'm looking for the facsimile well known London Manuscript (British
   Library Add. 30387). A digital copy would be fantastic (as it is so
   much lighter to carry arounda|), but buying the Ed. Peters in two
   volume would also be an acceptable option, if only I could find a copy
   in Europe.

   All suggestions are welcome!

   (please note that I'm well aware of the many copies, transcriptions,
   etc. available online: unfortunately I really need the facsimile)

   Thank you in advance,



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