Werckmeister (like Jägermeister and Weltmeister) is a bit of a bother.
   All irregular temperaments are. Either tune open strings and frets to
   the organ, that sort of works all right, or calculate a fretting
   pattern for the 'white' notes and most common sharps/flats. That won't
   work in theory, but you'll soon learn to avoid the bad notes and get a
   sort of working compromise. My usual compromise is to come with 1/6
   comma meantone, as the lute will sound nice in itself, and see where
   the differences with the organ are, so I know what to avoid when
   doubling. Depending how big the continuo group/orchestra is, you wont
   have any trouble anyway (doubling the bass line with the
   cello/viol/double bass can be the most difficult).
   Bets advice; don't fret about it too much.
   David van Ooijen

   On Sun, 10 Nov 2019 at 10:32, Wolfgang <[3]tappi...@web.de> wrote:

     i have to play with an organ tuned to werckmeister 3 (Buxtehude). Is
     there any possible not too bad sounding lutetuning?
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   1. mailto:davidvanooi...@gmail.com
   2. http://www.davidvanooijen.nl/
   3. mailto:tappi...@web.de
   4. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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