
Good idea, but may I make a suggestion to ease your progress. Why don't you
email a listing of the sites you already have, and do so periodically as you
get mail and set up the site. I'm sure you'll receive lots of duplicate
suggestions and if we know what you already have it might save you a bit of
email. Some obvious one's could be missed as everyone might assume you
already had them (I like Ronn McFarlane's site), and you might hear more
often than you need about some obscure ones.

----- Original Message ----- <>
From: "Mathias Rösel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2005 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: Call for WWW Sites and locations, builders and other resources

> "Allan Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > I'm putting together a resource of lute sites. I would like to
> > include builders, sites that offer music in pdf, TAB or fronimo
> > format, sites that are informative, anything that would help someone
> > know more about the lute and its music.
> good to know, because I was under the impression that your HP didn't
> work any more...
> Best,
> Mathias
> --
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