Dear Francesco, Mark, Roman, Tony,

thank you very much for everything! I downloaded the drivers and unzipped them but, 
alas, it didn't work. Don't know exactly why. I'm looking forward to getting rid of 
this old mill of mine. Only had to get it going last week because of an emergency of 
my current one which I expect back in a week or so.

I am suspicious I made a mistake last year (shortly before I got the new mill) when I 
was using WinAmp for mp3 files. Question popped up if all related files should be 
opened by this programme. Then, I was still more a dummy than I am today, so I clicked 
yes. All programmes with a MIDI outpout do not work on MIDI any more. Soundcard is 
there, drivers are there, by now, but they're sort of blocked, it seems.

Thanks, anyway, for your advices, indeed!



Mathias Roesel, Grosze Annenstrasze 5, 28199 Bremen, Deutschland/ Germany, T/F: +49 - 
421 - 165 49 97, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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