Hi Monica -

  The lute mail list robot often messes up links in the body of the message, 
down at the bottom of the message is a “References: section with the correct 
The Referenced link just worked for me, but your mail reader might be different.



> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk" <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: Baroque guitar tablature
> Date: September 1, 2016 at 4:43:01 AM EDT
> To: <al...@musickshandmade.com>
> Cc: LutList <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
> Can't actually access the page you have given.  However I have a copy 
> of the ms.
> The vertical dasshes below and above the highest line indicate the 
> strumming. Down from the line is a bass to treble stroke and up from 
> the line is a treble to bass stroke.
> The open courses should be included in the chords provided that they 
> belong to the basic triad.  They don't include the "As" unless this is 
> essential to make sense.  
> A dot after a stroke may indicate that it is a dotted note - but I 
> can't see which specific piece you are referring to.
> An x is usually a descending appoggiatura from the note above.
> Oblique dashes below the stave  usually mean that the chord is to be 
> sustained.
> If you can tell me the page number or the title of the specific pieces 
> I might be able to shed a bit more light.
> BEst
> Monica
> ----Original Message----
> From: al...@musickshandmade.com
> Date: 01/09/2016 8:05 
> To: "Lute List"<lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
> Subj: [LUTE] Re: Baroque guitar tablature
> I am hoping someone can help me understand some of the symbols on this
>   piece of Baroque guitar tablature - maybe Monica?
>   Here is a facsimile copy:
>   [1]http://signtracks.com/facsimiles/Guitar/Baroque/Langhenhove/319_page
>   _0205.jpg
>   1 ) Small vertical dashes above the first line: I understand this is 
> an
>   indication of strumming with the hand from the bottom up - or is it 
> the
>   other way?
>   2) The dots after a vertical dash - like this "|."  : is that a 
> dotted
>   (invisible) flag value -- or a bar line -- or?
>   3) the 'x' - often following the dotted dash mentioned above:  a 
> shake
>   or mordent??? If so it looks a little far away from its note...
>   4) the 'y' that looks like the 'x' described above but more like a 
> 'y'
>   (or a 'v') and bigger: ????
>   5) Oblique dashes on the first and/or 5th line: no idea what these
>   are...
>   I am also kind of wondering if open strings are not sort of implied
>   within a chord ...
>   Any help on any of the above appreciated. To me, it looks like 
> pretty
>   amazing short-hand from someone who knew the instrument extremely
>   well...
>   Alain
>   --
> References
>   1. 
> http://signtracks.com/facsimiles/Guitar/Baroque/Langhenhove/319_page_0205.jpg
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html


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