On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 04:32:20PM +1100, Russell Coker wrote:
> Recently Grub has been changing to a high resolution mode. On some systems
> this is really slow, presumably due to having a crap BIOS. On kvm/qemu
> systems it doesn't work with -display curses.
> How do I get grub to stick to 80x25 text?

On Debian, Ubuntu etc, edit /etc/default/grub and

1. un-comment the line:


2. optionally comment out the line starting with:


(i can't remember if this is required or not.  I think it isn't)

3. save & exit, run "update-grub"

On non-debian machines, dunno.  probably fuck around with files in /etc/grub.d/

BTW, for kvm you might also want to enable a serial console.  I usually enable
two serial consoles per VM, one to log the VM's boot up to a text file on
the host, the other for console access with 'virsh console' (this is also
how console access is provided in a javascript web by openstack and similar
virtualisation wrapper systems).  Remember to actually configure both grub and
a getty (via inittab or systemd) to use the serial console as well as adding
the console "hardware" to the VM.


craig sanders <c...@taz.net.au>
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