I have just moved the storage from my Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen5 to a Thinkpad X1 
Yoga Gen3 (comparable to a Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen6 - 2018 laptop vs previously 
2017 laptop).

So no changes to OS configuration, Debian/Unstable that was working mostly OK 
on the old system.

mpv -ao alsa YouSpinMeRound-PGNiXGX2nLU.mkv

Now when I try to play sound with ALSA such as with the above command it just 

mpv  YouSpinMeRound-PGNiXGX2nLU.mkv 

But I play the same video using Pipewire (the default) with the above command 
and it works perfectly.

I had the same situation (Pipewire working and ALSA hanging) on my old laptop 
after playing with some USB speakers which triggered this situation but not 
with the built in speakers.

Does anyone have any pointers as to where I should start investigating this?  
I haven't really looked at the details of Linux sound for a long time, it's 
just worked.

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