
On Sat, Mar 09, 2013 at 04:31:28PM +0100, Maciej Gajdzica wrote:
> Hello
> After solving issue with fragmented 3G packets I ran into some performance
> related problems. [...]
> Further investigation revealed that problem is probably caused by limited
> memory for memp objects and pbufs. At some point there is not enough space
> on the heap to allocate one of memp objects. [...]

I cannot see what's wrong with lwIP here, network with very high latency 
like 3G networks obviously require more memory for TCP, because TCP need 
to keep all packets that have not been ACKed yet.

Maybe you should reduce pbuf size and increase their number as well as 
reducing the TCP window to prevent keeping large non-ACKed packets in 
memory, of course this will decrease the TCP performance, especially on 
high latency networks, but you cannot have both on low memory targets.

If your STM32 chip have an external bus interface (EBI) you might 
consider adding SRAM to allow lwIP to use a bigger TCP window.

Or I am missing something ?


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