Re: [lwip-users] LwIP and ISR

2018-06-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Well, that is usually a "don't!". However, if you actually do know what you are doing and properly handle the blocking, I guess you might get away with that. I personally don't know how, wait for one of the top guys like Simon. However, I find it easier to run everything under the same context. You

Re: [lwip-users] tcp_connection (no SYN packet on server side)

2018-06-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
That may or may not work depending on what your _magic function_ "delay_ms" does. If it is blocking, you are busted. A main loop is a main loop, you need to rx and you need to check timeouts. Your accept callback will be called after the SYN is SYNACKed and the SYNACK is ACKed back. For that, you

Re: [lwip-users] tcp_connection (no SYN packet on server side)

2018-06-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
OK, so it seems you are correctly calling lwIP in the loop, and your networking parameters look good. However, I failed to ask how do you setup your netif. You don't tell. You should do something like this before actually calling tcp_connect(): IP4_ADDR(&gw, 192,168,100,1); IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 1

Re: [lwip-users] tcp_connection (no SYN packet on server side)

2018-06-05 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Yes, "ethernetif" is sort of the generic name used in the skeleton, internals for a netif belong to the developer (that's the reason for my 'driveroutputfunction' comment on that line). Well, if I'm not missing something important, it looks like you have a problem on the driver/wire side. Try to fi

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP tun/tap

2018-06-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
When you use the tun/tap interface in Linux, you have a tun/tap interface in Linux. Nothing from lwIPland, just Linuxland. As per my (sort of) expertise, you get what looks like another Ethernet card attached to a network. There is your plain trusty old linux machine on one side, there is your bran

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP tun ARP table

2018-06-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I don't know what you mean by "lwIP tun ARP table", lwIP is oblivious to tun/tap. I guess you have an lwIP port running in a Linux machine, "connected" to a tun/tap interface. If you want to see the lwIP ARP table you go one place (e.g: src/core/ipv4/etharp.c and discover the existence of static st

Re: [lwip-users] two logical ethernet interfaces on the same, physical port?

2018-06-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
(crossposted from the developers' list) So, summing up, you (the OP) want to have two IP addresses on one Ethernet (physical) port. This has been asked several times on the list, under several different subjects, and is perhaps hard to find. I suggest you do some searches on the list. Perhaps we c

Re: [lwip-users] two logical ethernet interfaces on the same, physical port?

2018-06-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Regarding your image, it didn't get through my mail, "An HTML attachment was scrubbed..." and I'm too lazy to go dig it. Anyway... it belongs here now: So you still want two hosts. And as far as I can see, you need a bridge amon

Re: [lwip-users] two logical ethernet interfaces on the same, physical port?

2018-06-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You got things a bit confused. lwIP is not a computer OS nor a device, is a TCP/IP stack. It provides sevices for layer-3+. If you donĀ“t need what rests over IP nor IP itself, then you don't need lwIP. Yes, you can use lwIP's "infrastructure" and have layer-2 protocols coexist with the stack, you c

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP 2.1 cleanup - remove UNIX test apps

2018-06-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Hi, I started long ago using 'minimal' for development and teaching. I need a tap interface and the stack compiled to run as NO_SYS=1, as my work is on bare metal stuff. Yes, I use the lib. I guess there is no _need_ for it and I can just compile lwIP and link to it as in a regular embedded project

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP 2.1 cleanup - remove UNIX test apps

2018-06-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Hi Dirk, Well, I'm not good with makefiles but I guess I can transform example_app into what I need. And I can always write a bash script. Just as long as you keep the tapif and tapif_select(), I can keep going with minimum effort. Regards ___ lwip-user

Re: [lwip-users] How to limit the UDP Rx packet size to avoid big RAM allocations

2018-06-19 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
UDP datagrams are carried by Ethernet frames. It is not lwIP but your driver who allocates memory to hold those frames before handling them to lwIP, which in turn will deliver to your application. The only way to stop allocation is there. Someone could also send pings of death, repeated SYNs... If

Re: [lwip-users] ModbusTCP

2018-06-22 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Modbus/TCP is Modbus over TCP port 502, with a simple header (MBAP). A Modbus master is quite simple, and unless you have to support all intricacies of different brand proprietary stuff, it ends up being just a couple of functions. The only tricky part is the word alignment, since registers are big

Re: [lwip-users] STM32F4+lwIP: TCP MSS sets to 536 bytes on its own

2018-06-22 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Well, besides the fact that one thing is TCP, layer-4, with its Maximum _Segment_ Size and another is Ethernet, layer-2, with the number of bytes in a frame, which is what you are seeing in wireshark; You are on the right track. There are a number of algorithms to gracefully handle the life of a tr

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP RAW - Low throughput during first few seconds

2018-06-29 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I don't know what you are doing 'cause you don't say, but if you are using NO_SYS=1 there must be a main loop calling sys_check_timeouts() as frequently as possible, it takes care of all timeouts. You should check if your frames carrying your TCP SYNs are being delivered or get lost in the driver.

Re: [lwip-users] esp32 and atsame

2018-07-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
So you have a perfectly working Ethernet host and you want WiFi. So you plan to use another lwIP host as a module. What I would do is to delegate the netif to the module, so basically the netif running in the host will take care of delivering via the UART and receiving from the UART. However, you h

Re: [lwip-users] LwIP with 4G modern

2018-07-10 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
AFAIK there is no built-in AT send/expect engine, but lwIP does support PPP over serial interfaces. As long as you manage to setup your whatever in PPP mode, it will work. You can have as many interfaces as your memory and drivers can handle, but don't expect lwIP to route between them (not without

Re: [lwip-users] LwIP - 2 netifs and VPN

2018-07-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I fail to see what you are doing and what you are trying to do. Do you mind putting names and addresses and describe what you do and the expected behaviour ? ___ lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LwIP with 4G modern

2018-07-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Your modem will go into PPP mode once you instruct it to do so. Read your manuals. IP-forwarding = Routing If host-A and lwip-A are in network A, and host-B and lwIP-B are in network B, then host-A and lwiP-A can talk, and host-B and lwIP-B can talk, but A and B can't talk to each other. ___

Re: [lwip-users] LwIP - 2 netifs and VPN

2018-07-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You have two interfaces, one in 10.something and another in 192.168.1. You can communicate with hosts in either network but you can't be the one letting the WiFi access "the board" nor "the board" access the WiFi, that is routing, and lwIP does not route. Somehow you have built a "gateway" in the I

Re: [lwip-users] Extracting data from lwIP TCP/IP flow on microcontroller

2018-07-27 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
OK... You seem to need a tutorship or a crash course in networking followed by a study of lwIP. You need to first get a grasp of the layer model as an abstraction: if you set things right, that is, if you assign the proper IP address and open the proper TCP port, you will get a callback with a poi

Re: [lwip-users] Socket API send command packaging up data

2018-07-31 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
What you see is the Naggle algorithm. It is the old trade off, delay or throughput. If your application requires throughput, you want it. If you do need short delay, it can usually be minimized by some configuration function/option. The RAW API lets you tweak mostly at will, but the interface is no

Re: [lwip-users] Socket API send command packaging up data

2018-07-31 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Completely missed the "20 second" part. You don't remember wrong, and you know it ;^) ___ lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LwIP RAW + Zynq - Unresponsive Tx path when Rx is active

2018-08-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Well, the RAW API is tricky and there is no such thing as half-duplex or unidirectional communications in TCP, so I'd need to see your code. You should (read: must) be calling sys_check_timeouts() frequently enough for TCP to handle its internal timers; and since your current problem is on the send

Re: [lwip-users] lwip crashing, apparently in sys_check_timeouts

2018-08-24 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You can just check the code yourself, but no, sys_check_timeouts() should return asap since it is meant to be called as frequently as possible (afap?) and living in the main loop of many systems. However, from time to time, something needs to be done, like for example resending a TCP segment, so it

Re: [lwip-users] TCP Sockets Simultaneous Read andWrite

2018-08-31 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I may be wrong since I know nothing on sockets on lwIP, but I think I remember reading Simon saying you can't have two threads using the same socket. (or at least that is what I think I see on how the post is formatted) What I do know: Following your capture file is hard; you provide a whole net c

Re: [lwip-users] TCP Sockets Simultaneous Read andWrite

2018-08-31 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
OK, now I see. Well, you _should_ (read _must_) check your port and your driver. Perhaps your simplest application can do, but you should try one of the apps in the app subtree or in the contrib tree. Those have been tested by many users. I can't help you further, I'm nil on anything other than RA

Re: [lwip-users] Add new header & tail

2018-09-12 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Perhaps if you could think your actions in terms of OSI layers it would be easier to understand. You say "before IP" but you draw "after IP" (well, sort of...), so I don't really get what you need. What is it that you are trying to accomplish, do you want to encapsulate TCP/IP into an "ESP" (whate

Re: [lwip-users] Add new header & tail

2018-09-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
IPSec's ESP ! The graphic you point to seems to depict the transport mode. I guess there are hooks to do what this requires but I can't help you, wait for Simon or someone with more internal knowledge of the stack. I'll stay lurking in listen-mode as I'm curious on how to do this.

Re: [lwip-users] server send data to client failed

2018-09-28 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If I guessed correctly, you seem to be talking about the TCP reopen issue, but your scenario is not clear to me. You have an lwIP client connecting to a server Someone closes the connection, or it is lost somehow. The client retries the connection, does it succeed ? Apparently it does. If connecti

Re: [lwip-users] Raw TCP API: question about tcp_close and accept callback in

2018-10-01 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
A TCP server might handle many incoming connection requests, each one of them will fire the accept callback. That callback is responsible for acquiring any memory that it would need for the application, and then will register callbacks for that instance of the application. There is one instance per

Re: [lwip-users] TCP send message more than 1000 times

2018-10-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
... and did you think on capturing traffic with (for example) Wireshark, or inspecting (using breakpoints) if the functions are called ? There is no autostop code in there (at least not in lwIP, but that is surely vendor code) so you need to check your system if you want to solve your problem. ___

Re: [lwip-users] New to LwIp - a few questions for a new exotic port

2018-10-26 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I fail to see where the problem is. lwIP does not require an OS, as long as you can compile C code you are fine. A port is basically what you described, you write your driver, you read this: you modify architecture dependent files, and you put

Re: [lwip-users] Looking for FTP client that uses Raw API

2018-10-29 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Laurent used to participate on this list. I collaborated with a (very) small part of the code, post your suggested/required changes on github and we can follow up from there. ___ lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] How to get lwIP to use "internet sharing via Bluetooth" ?

2018-10-29 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There is 6LoBLE, perhaps you would do with that. The Bluetooth world is filled with protocols and profiles but most of them protocols belong to BT and not to BLE, so you need to check for something BLE specific. Whether it is supported on the phone or not... I don't know. _

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP_ASSERT on pbuf_free function

2018-11-26 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I'm not well versed in sockets here, but since you are using sockets, there shouldn't be application-related pbuf free issues if threading rules are respected. Somewhere in your vendor provided code, someone did not play by the rules. You have an OS, you have a port, you have a driver, you have man

Re: [lwip-users] STM32 + lwip(modbus tcp), always timeout

2019-01-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There is no modbusTCP on lwIP. Go to the ones who wrote that and ask them for help. 1.3.2 is a version perhaps older than the STM32 itself, you should get a more up to date framework for your endeavours. Before you do that, try to know at least if TCP is connecting. ModbusTCP is a simple protocol,

Re: [lwip-users] Two parallel connections at the same time (TCP protocol control blocks)

2019-01-07 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Tobias, lwIP can handle as many connections as your RAM allows; I guess you are using the RAW API, but I fail to guess if lwIP is your server or your client. My best bet is that it is your server. Did you check your accept callback against the echo or http server in the examples ? (apps, contrib tr

Re: [lwip-users] WG: Webserver based on lwip 1.4.1

2019-01-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You have to find who is eating your pbufs and not releasing them. Are you using the same pool for input and output ? (I'm lazy enough to skip scrolling all your lwipopts file) At first sight, you seem to have a problem in your driver and/or you are not honoring threading rules. ___

Re: [lwip-users] 2 netifs and using netif_set_default() problems

2019-01-28 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
lwIP does not route. That is, it does not know how to distribute traffic among interfaces beyond some simple rules. I don't know if you can switch default interfaces with sockets (connections) open... do you just switch or you bring it down and then up again ? Can you capture IP traffic on at least

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP TCP_TMR

2019-01-28 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You have a problem in your port. If you use NO_SYS=0, then it is "YES SYS", I mean, you need a SYS, an OS, someone that provides all the system functions, and that includes timing: sys_now() ___ lwi

Re: [lwip-users] 2 netifs and using netif_set_default() problems

2019-01-28 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
So, so far: When switching default interface with connections open, traffic stops going out on the former default interface (A) but starts going out on the new one (B), but using the former address (addrA): Default interface is A, traffic is going from addrA to addrX outside the local network, def

Re: [lwip-users] 2 netifs and using netif_set_default() problems

2019-01-28 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Thank you Simon, Then, if I understand correctly, this is expected behaviour (lwIP is indeed routing here) and then either both default gateways get to route both netif addresses or the connection has to be dropped and started again (in order to be established from the other address). Since the O

Re: [lwip-users] LwIP and ARM Compiler 6

2019-02-01 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Well, this is perhaps pretty obvious, maybe, but did you happen to try to lookup what those "errors" are ? Are they errors or _warnings_ ? Do you known the engine in both compilers is different ? Does your port use compiler extensions ? (You need to change those since the engines are different...)

Re: [lwip-users] retransmission in lwip2.0

2019-02-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If you post a capture file, some people here might want to take a look at it and diagnose the reason for the retransmissions. Otherwise, we can not infer much. Did you closely follow the UPGRADE guide in the 2.x documentation ? Perhaps your Modbus provider can be a bit more helpful with you ? (Modb

Re: [lwip-users] retransmission in lwip2.0

2019-02-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
What I see is that the slave seems to respond but its response is not in the capture. This means that the frame is not getting there, it is getting lost somewhere in between. If the slave is an lwIP device, then it is quite likely your driver+port are losing frames. Vague questions usually get vag

Re: [lwip-users] Ping with data greater than 1472 bytes

2019-02-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Who pings who ? Who is who ? Assuming both your MTUs are 1500 bytes, greater than 1472 means the payload will not fit in a single IP datagram over a single Ethernet frame. (20IP + 8ICMP + 1472payload = 1500) Your sender will have to fragment and your receiver will have to reassemble. Perhaps one of

Re: [lwip-users] LwIP TCP Server crashes after two accepted connections simultaneously

2019-02-18 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
lwIP202 v1.1 What is that ? That doesn't look like lwIP versioning scheme. Where do you get that "message" about being unable to alloc pbuf in recv_handler" ? There is no recv_handler in lwIP. That looks like a driver that runs out of memory, as if you are not releasing your alloced pbufs "somewher

Re: [lwip-users] LwIP TCP Server crashes after two accepted connections simultaneously

2019-02-22 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There is no printf in lwIP, that is your own/vendor mechanism, and this is where you should start checking for the reason triggering the msg. Ask your vendor if it is not yours. AFAIK your recv callback is incorrect, if your tcp_close() fails, you retry later, you don't call tcp_abort() (I guess 2

Re: [lwip-users] Debugging a hang in an lwIP-based application

2019-02-22 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Unfortunately I only know the RAW API and can't help you further. Did you check the basics ?: - core lwIP runs in a single thread. If your Ethernet is handled in another thread, you don't call any lwIP functions from there, except for the pbuf allocation/free functions; you queue your packets and t

Re: [lwip-users] need urgent help in debugging retransmission issue

2019-02-25 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Yes, I remember analyzing your capture file about 15 days ago and pointing to that possibility. Glad it was a hit. "lpc_low_level_output" is not something related to lwIP, it is your vendor driver code. Ask your vendor. Want to find it yourself ? Great! Then grab a debugger and place breakpoints

Re: [lwip-users] need urgent help in debugging retransmission issue

2019-02-25 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If you are using the very same driver, it could still have been buggy and happen to pass unnoticed until something triggered it. The fact that the data gets lost when you call lpc_low_level_output() means that it gets lost after it left lwIP. The only way I can see lwIP running again (and destroyin

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP Connection Initiation Issue

2019-03-01 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Your scenario ? I mean: IP addresses, masks, gateways. Sometimes wrong configurations "just work". Your netif setup ? Your call setup ? How do you initiate your connection ? What does that function return ? Are you using the RAW API ? The netconn API ? The socket API ? Threading rules ? __

Re: [lwip-users] Two ethernet port with one mac address

2019-03-01 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
lwIP does not care about RMII, that is between your MAC controller and your PHY controller. Whatever happens there is your driver's business. Do you have two MAC controllers ? Or are you trying to handle two PHYs with one MAC ? (Why would you do that ?) 1 IP 1 MAC 2 PHY: beyond my understanding, n

Re: [lwip-users] Using LWIP Sequential API with non-preemptive (cooperative) OS

2019-03-01 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I don't think the same port will run on a preemptive and a non-preemptive OS, even if it is the same OS. Did you check your port ? It will surely rely on some semaphores/mutexes for proper operation; I don't know how they will behave on a cooperative scenario. Anyway, your port provider should know

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP Connection Initiation Issue

2019-03-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You forgot to include your device address. If it is 192.168.1.x it is fine (unless it coincides with any other device in the network...) The error callback is called when the connection request is rejected or lwIP gets tired of waiting for an answer. Do you see the SYN in wireshark or equivalent ?

Re: [lwip-users] Poor RX performance, misconfigured lwipopts?

2019-03-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Your msg is too long for me, I'm too lazy to read it and too dumb to keep focus at the same time. Your capture file is long too, but fortunately retransmissions happen right at the beginning. I see you are ACKing 100ms later, several frames later. I see (at least once) that you ACK a frame and ms

Re: [lwip-users] TCP state machine problem? LWIP 1.4.1

2019-03-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
mmm... the ACK number..., I think I've seen this one or two years ago, search the list and or the patches for "one less" or something like that. I'm not fresh on this, but I think that is the problem, the ACK to the RST has the wrong number and causes a retransmission. I can't remember if this is a

Re: [lwip-users] TCP state machine problem? LWIP 1.4.1

2019-03-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I guess this is what I remember... not exactly your problem nor a helping hand but perhaps you can start digging here: ___ lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Throughput benchmark question - nasty ~1.5 second pauses

2019-03-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
ST driver code wasn't freeing all frames in the Ethernet controller on ints, do you have the "working" version ? (can't tell you which one) I particularly don't like watching screen snapshots, if you post a capture I can try to look and let you know if I see something. At birdseye, looks like you a

Re: [lwip-users] Throughput benchmark question - nasty ~1.5 second pauses

2019-03-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
OK, I'll try to be more precise. ST driver code wasn't properly handling receive interrupts from the Ethernet controller. They just took the first frame in the buffer without thinking more could have arrived since the interrupt fired. Those frames remained there sleeping until a new one arrived, ca

Re: [lwip-users] Raw TCP - PBuf segment not decreasing

2019-03-18 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Instead of speculating on a slow receiver, I would see traffic on the wire and check my tcp_sent() callbacks. You stuff the TCP buffer with tcp_write() and it will eventually get sent, you can speed things up as you are doing by calling tcp_output(), and the stack will let you know when your receiv

Re: [lwip-users] Throughput benchmark question - nasty ~1.5 second pauses

2019-03-18 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
mmm... The bug I mentioned is on the rx side, I see you are losing frames on the tx side. There should be a frame between #4206 and #4207 that is either lost inside your device or on its way to your PC. The same pattern repeats where you mention, there is a missing frame between #4315 and #4316. I

Re: [lwip-users] TCP state machine problem? LWIP 1.4.1

2019-03-18 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Nope, I'm sorry, no further ideas on my side. Since you can't upgrade, perhaps diffing against git commits around that time or against git head would provide a clue on what to change. There could be another bug report more related to your problem, I just didn't find it but I haven't done an exhaust

Re: [lwip-users] Raw TCP - PBuf segment not decreasing

2019-03-18 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Well, perhaps TI was short on examples but you can learn from the apps section and those in the contrib tree. > I actually didn't quite understand how to use tcp_sent() since [...] When you open a connection (think you can be a server), you set the environment to serve it and then setup an argume

Re: [lwip-users] Throughput benchmark question - nasty ~1.5 second pauses

2019-03-18 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If I were to debug this, I would use UDP, you can move a pin when sending and be sure the msg will at least get to the driver (where we think it is lost). TCP... well... Then, every entry to the driver should end with a safe exit and due to DMA a later "done" interrupt where the driver frees the bu

Re: [lwip-users] Raw TCP - PBuf segment not decreasing

2019-03-20 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I understand your frustration but it is vendor generated, not lwIP's fault. Say "bye, thanks" to your vendor "docs" (or the lack of them) and dive here: (or the version you're using) The official source code tree has a directory named "apps" where you

Re: [lwip-users] Receive path stuck due to pbuf_alloc returning NULL

2019-03-22 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If your device does not go to the Eth Rx ISR that is because either the controller is not interrupting anymore or the OS is not accepting the IRQ. pbuf_alloc() does not control your chip, your driver does. Your driver should gracefully discard the incoming frame if it can't accept its contents (put

Re: [lwip-users] Receive path stuck due to pbuf_alloc returning NULL

2019-03-25 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Your scenario is composed of four main pieces of software (to name them some way). lwIP will handle TCP/IP stuff but will not mess with your controller. Your driver will. Your driver is not lwIP, it is your responsibility. I guess you handled it to your vendor and are using something that is vendor

Re: [lwip-users] Scan through the heap searching for a free block that is big enough, beginning with the lowest free block.

2019-03-25 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
OK, I know Modscan is a Modbus master tool, so I guess you are polling your device, which happens to be a slave, a server, a TCP listener. You are trying to implement ModbusTCP where the PC running Modscan (and I guess Wireshark too) will connect (send SYN) to the lwIP device. Second issue: Those

Re: [lwip-users] Scan through the heap searching for a free block that is big enough, beginning with the lowest free block.

2019-03-29 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If you decide to generate checksums on lwIP, you MUST tell the controller not to generate them. You must check arg and newpcb in your tcp_accept() callback, follow the examples. Your tcpecho source is different from what I can see on lwIP git. I won't check further. I won't check the rest of your

Re: [lwip-users] NXP LPC 17xx lwip port: use of pbuf for rx

2019-03-29 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
The recommendations are to use separate pools for rx and tx so they can not starve each other. Since PBUF_RAM is used for tx, then rx is expected to use PBUF_POOL. I bet you can also use separate pools but I don't know how. Last time I checked, PBUF_RAM allocates a single block of memory. That is

Re: [lwip-users] multiple netifs in no_sys environment

2019-04-29 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
The lwIP stack will not work as a router unless you actually write the routing code yourself. Since in your scenario the non-local address is the device netif address, that should work. If it were some other host in that very same network (172...) connected to the lwIP device, it would not (unless

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP on a Microcontroller with two MACs

2019-05-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
2- There is no need for a specific port for a specific processor. A port of lwIP needs to handle the OS (if any), and some nice stuff on the processor architecture that can help making things faster (and some intricacies of the compiler). As long as there is a port for that core and that OS (or non

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP on a Microcontroller with two MACs

2019-05-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Hi Sylvain, last time I checked there were only hooks and the user needed to write the routing function. Is this remarkably different now ? ___ lwip-users mailing list

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