On 09/14/2011 07:03 PM, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
> From: Rainer Weikusat <rweiku...@mobileactivedefense.com>
> The lxc-ls shell script uses netstat -xa to get a listing of AF_UNIX
> sockets it then parses in order to determine the names of presently
> running containers. This is wrong because it will list the
> listening socket and all sockets created by accepting connections on
> that. This causes the script to display the names of containers with
> active lxc-console sessions 1 + n times, n being the number of active
> console sessions. The patch below fixes this by using netstat -xl
> instead which only displays the listening sockets.
> Signed-off-by: Rainer Weikusat <rweiku...@mobileactivedefense.com>
> ---

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