Hey everyone,

We've been making good progress on the way to 3.0 for all affected
projects under the LXC umbrella. One of the more invasive steps we have
undertaken yesterday is to remove the support for all legacy
configuration items from the LXC master branch. We have announced this
back when LXC 2.1 was
Below, you will find a list of configuration items that have been
removed and their equivalent new configuration items. Note that LXC
ships an upgrade script

        lxc-update-config -h|--help [-c|--config]

which can be used to update a legacy config to a new config. The script
will make a backup of the old config with the extension *.backup in the
same directory where the old config resides. In case of a failed update
the legacy config can easily be restored.


Legacy Key (removed from LXC master) | New Key                       |
lxc.aa_profile                       | lxc.apparmor.profile          |
lxc.aa_allow_incomplete              | lxc.apparmor.allow_incomplete |
lxc.console                          | lxc.console.path              |
lxc.devttydir                        | lxc.tty.dir                   |
lxc.haltsignal                       | lxc.signal.halt               |
lxc.id_map                           | lxc.idmap                     |
lxc.init_cmd                         | lxc.init.cmd                  |
lxc.init_gid                         | lxc.init.gid                  |
lxc.init_uid                         | lxc.init.uid                  |
lxc.limit                            | lxc.prlimit                   |
lxc.logfile                          | lxc.log.file                  |
lxc.loglevel                         | lxc.log.level                 |
lxc.mount                            | lxc.mount.fstab               |
lxc.network                          | lxc.net                       |
lxc.network.                         | lxc.net.[i].                  |
lxc.network.flags                    | lxc.net.[i].flags             |
lxc.network.hwaddr                   | lxc.net.[i].hwaddr            |
lxc.network.ipv4                     | lxc.net.[i].ipv4.address      |
lxc.network.ipv4.gateway             | lxc.net.[i].ipv4.gateway      |
lxc.network.ipv6                     | lxc.net.[i].ipv6.address      |
lxc.network.ipv6.gateway             | lxc.net.[i].ipv6.gateway      |
lxc.network.link                     | lxc.net.[i].link              |
lxc.network.macvlan.mode             | lxc.net.[i].macvlan.mode      |
lxc.network.mtu                      | lxc.net.[i].mtu               |
lxc.network.name                     | lxc.net.[i].name              |
lxc.network.script.down              | lxc.net.[i].script.down       |
lxc.network.script.up                | lxc.net.[i].script.up         |
lxc.network.type                     | lxc.net.[i].type              |
lxc.network.veth.pair                | lxc.net.[i].veth.pair         |
lxc.network.vlan.id                  | lxc.net.[i].vlan.id           |
lxc.pts                              | lxc.pty.max                   |
lxc.rebootsignal                     | lxc.signal.reboot             |
lxc.rootfs                           | lxc.rootfs.path               |
lxc.se_context                       | lxc.selinux.context           |
lxc.seccomp                          | lxc.seccomp.profile           |
lxc.stopsignal                       | lxc.signal.stop               |
lxc.syslog                           | lxc.log.syslog                |
lxc.tty                              | lxc.tty.max                   |
lxc.utsname                          | lxc.uts.name                  |

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