
but I think the changes made since yesterday afternoon have destabilized
LyX a bit. Let's hope this is just a short transition from a stable state
to an even more stable state.

Enclosed please find an updated bug list.


Michael Schmitt                            phone:     +49 451 500 3725
Institute for Telematics                   secretary: +49 451 500 3721
Medical University of Luebeck              fax:       +49 451 500 3722
Ratzeburger Allee 160              eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-23538 Luebeck, Germany           WWW:

   Bug list (with some proposals for simple improvements)

Please comment out (//) fixed bugs and send the file back to 



- Deleting a row in an empty 5x5 table results in free memory read

      FMR: Free memory read (20 times)
      This is occurring while in:
            Paragraph::inInset()const [paragraph.C:2024]
            InsetText::reinitLyXText()const [insettext.C:1910]
            InsetText::setParagraphData(Paragraph*) [insettext.C:1697]
            InsetText::init(const InsetText*,bool) [insettext.C:164]
            InsetText::operator =(const InsetText&) [insettext.C:139]
=(const vector<LyXTabular::cellstruct,allocator<LyXTabular::cellstruct>>&) 
            LyXTabular::DeleteRow(int) [stl_algobase.h:139]
lyxstring&) [insettabular.C:1689]
            FormTabular::input(flobjs_*,long) [FormTabular.C:522]
            FormBaseDeprecated::InputCB(flobjs_*,long) [FormBaseDeprecated.C:186]
            C_FormBaseDeprecatedInputCB [FormBaseDeprecated.C:46]
            fl_object_qread [libforms.a]
            fl_check_forms [libforms.a]
            GUIRunTime::runTime() [GUIRunTime.C:84]
            LyXGUI::runTime() [lyx_gui.C:316]
            LyX::LyX(int*,char**) [lyx_main.C:179]
            main           [main.C:38]
            _start         [crt1.o]
      Reading 4 bytes from 0x1336b78 in the heap.
      Address 0x1336b78 is 32 bytes into a freed  block at 0x1336b58 of 36 bytes.
      This block was allocated from:
            malloc         [rtlib.o]
            __bUiLtIn_nEw  []
            __builtin_new  [rtlib.o]
            InsetText::setParagraphData(Paragraph*) [insettext.C:1687]
            InsetText::init(const InsetText*,bool) [insettext.C:164]
            InsetText::InsetText(const InsetText&,bool) [insettext.C:131]
            LyXTabular::Init(int,int,const LyXTabular*) [tabular.C:180]
            LyXTabular::LyXTabular(InsetTabular*,int,int) [tabular.C:98]
            InsetTabular::InsetTabular(const Buffer&,int,int) [insettabular.C:132]
            BufferView::Pimpl::Dispatch(kb_action,const lyxstring&) 
            BufferView::Dispatch(kb_action,const lyxstring&) [BufferView.C:294]
            LyXFunc::dispatch(int,const lyxstring&) [lyxfunc.C:1608]
            ControlTabularCreate::apply() [ControlTabularCreate.C:57]
            ControlButtons::OKButton() [ControlButtons.C:33]
            C_FormBaseOKCB [ViewBase.h:45]
            fl_object_qread [libforms.a]
            fl_check_forms [libforms.a]
            GUIRunTime::runTime() [GUIRunTime.C:84]
            LyXGUI::runTime() [lyx_gui.C:316]
            LyX::LyX(int*,char**) [lyx_main.C:179]
            main           [main.C:38]
            _start         [crt1.o]
      There have been 12 frees since this block was freed from:
            free           [rtlib.o]
            __bUiLtIn_dElEtE []
            __builtin_delete [rtlib.o]
            Paragraph::~Paragraph() [paragraph.C:164]
            InsetText::setParagraphData(Paragraph*) [insettext.C:1683]
            InsetText::init(const InsetText*,bool) [insettext.C:164]
            InsetText::operator =(const InsetText&) [insettext.C:139]
            LyXTabular::DeleteRow(int) [stl_algobase.h:139]
lyxstring&) [insettabular.C:1689]
            FormTabular::input(flobjs_*,long) [FormTabular.C:522]
            FormBaseDeprecated::InputCB(flobjs_*,long) [FormBaseDeprecated.C:186]
            C_FormBaseDeprecatedInputCB [FormBaseDeprecated.C:46]
            fl_object_qread [libforms.a]
            fl_check_forms [libforms.a]
            GUIRunTime::runTime() [GUIRunTime.C:84]
            LyXGUI::runTime() [lyx_gui.C:316]
            LyX::LyX(int*,char**) [lyx_main.C:179]
            main           [main.C:38]

- Nested tables result in inaccurate cursor placement (cursor is placed
  a few pixels too high; after first redraw it is correct). 
  In addition, sometimes a vertical bar among the
  whole table is wiped out (not redrawn after set to brackground?)

- Insert a table into a table cell. Then insert another table
  in the inserted table but this time forget to place the cursor inside
  the red box of the cell -> infinite loopa

      SIG: Signal handled
      This is occurring while in:
            LyXTabular::SetWidthOfCell(int,int) [tabular.C:638]
LyXFont&,bool)const [insettabular.C:1193]
            InsetTabular::update(BufferView*,const LyXFont&,bool) [insettabular.C:485]
            InsetText::update(BufferView*,const LyXFont&,bool) [insettext.C:515]
            InsetTabular::update(BufferView*,const LyXFont&,bool) [insettabular.C:474]
            LyXText::setHeightOfRow(BufferView*,Row*)const [text.C:1244]
            LyXText::breakAgain(BufferView*,Row*)const [text.C:1574]
            LyXText::checkParagraph(BufferView*,Paragraph*,int) [text2.C:1944]
            LyXText::updateInset(BufferView*,Inset*) [text2.C:2006]
            BufferView::Pimpl::updateInset(Inset*,bool) [BufferView_pimpl.C:3390]
            BufferView::updateInset(Inset*,bool) [BufferView2.C:485]
            InsetTabular::updateInsetInInset(BufferView*,Inset*) [insettabular.C:650]
            BufferView::Pimpl::updateInset(Inset*,bool) [BufferView_pimpl.C:3398]
            BufferView::updateInset(Inset*,bool) [BufferView2.C:485]
            InsetText::updateLocal(BufferView*,int,bool)const [insettext.C:582]
            InsetText::updateInsetInInset(BufferView*,Inset*) [insettext.C:786]
            InsetTabular::updateInsetInInset(BufferView*,Inset*) [insettabular.C:647]
            InsetText::updateInsetInInset(BufferView*,Inset*) [insettext.C:782]
            InsetTabular::updateInsetInInset(BufferView*,Inset*) [insettabular.C:647]
            BufferView::Pimpl::updateInset(Inset*,bool) [BufferView_pimpl.C:3398]
            BufferView::updateInset(Inset*,bool) [BufferView2.C:485]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
            InsetTabular::resetPos(BufferView*)const [insettabular.C:1376]
      Received signal 15 (SIGTERM - Terminated)
      Signal mask: 
      Pending signals: 

- Insert an ERT, inline it (using Button 2), then attempt to walk
  past the right-edge of the ERT box using the arrow keys -> free mem read!

- Insert an ERT inside a text paragraph, make it inline, delete it,
  and undo the deletion -> the inset is not drawn (but some space
  is left on screen)

- Spell checker hangs on some documents with insets

- Footnotes are displayed past the right edge of the canvas (hiding the
  last couple of characters on the line).

- When selecting text in a footnote, the text is not highlighted

- There are several memory leaks related to mathed and undo/redo
  (see separate document)

- Uninitialized memory read in mathed (see extra document)

- The splash screen still hides some initial dialogs; please implement 
  it as a background picture that is shown when no document is opened

- The display options in the new graphics inset should be
  added to the preferences dialog; for simplicity, do not
  distinguish between gray-scaled and colored, just allow yes and no

- Remove the old graphics inset (from GUI; and from code
  if automatic conversion is activated and works satisfyingly)

- Yellow background for note insets is not painted correctly

- When selecting plain text with an embedded formula,
  the formula is not highlighted (in particular check
  math macros)

- Navigate does not work for algorithms and figures

- Package geometry should be selected automatically in the document
  layout dialog if "landscape" is chosen (landscape does not work  
  correctly otherwise; why???); Lgb et al.: Geometry button is removed 
  from dialog!

- Files in the examples/templates directory cannot be loaded correctly.
  Reason: "latex" has to be removed from/changed in layout files

- Display of graphics on screen does not work despite the availability
  of "convert"

- "Find/Replace" does not work with minipages (infinite loop; minipages are 
  opened on screen even if they do not contain the search string) 

- The dots dialog in the math panel is drawn inaccurately; at the right
  a fine vertical bar is not drawn 

- After selecting the first few rows of a table, CTRL+Shift+CursorDown 
  corrupts the display output

- In the float dialog, one radio button is labeled "Here, if possible#i"

- In the label dialog, the button should be reordered ("ok"/"clear"/"cancel")

- When deleting the last row of a centered table, the table is moved to the
  right on screen

- Selecting two rows in a table and clicking on "delete row" only removes
  the first one

- "LaTeX run number #" is not printed any longer in the status line (minibuffer)
  at the bottom of LyX' main window. 

- Citation labels should reflect their content, i.e. if only the year is chosen
  in the citation dialog, then the label should show the year afterwards.

- Clicking into the right half of a footnote does not work (wrong cursor

- 1. Add a citation to your document; 2. Click at the citation; the dialog pops up
  3. Click at the box where you can choose between Author Year, Year, Author, etc.
  4. Click OK   -> A _new_ citation is added (this shouldn't happen)
  Unfortunately, hard to reproduce, occurs occasionally.

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