Re: LyX 2.3.0 Regression Inquiry

2018-05-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 11.05.2018, 21:44 -0600 schrieb Joel Kulesza:
> LyX Developers,
> As I'm writing my dissertation, I've been using LyX 2.2.3 but today
> decided to try migrating it to 2.3.0.  Upon doing so, I encountered
> what appears to be a regression (or else I've been doing something
> invalid all along that 2.2.3 accepts without complaint).

I get the same problem with 2.2.3. It is a mystery to me why this works
for you.

> I cannot make the document available but I have a not-quite-MWE
> available that I hope you could work with to see if you can reproduce
> what I'm seeing with LyX 2.2.3/2.3.0 on two separate computers (macOS
> 10.13.4 and OS X 10.11.6).  If this can be reproduced and someone can
> help me characterize this, I'm happy to file an item in the tracker.
> Steps to reproduce:
> Clone and checkout
> the "lyx_mwe" branch.
> Open dissertation.lyx in LyX 2.2.3.  Render.  This should succeed.
> Right-click chapter_01.lyx -> Edit.  Render.  This should succeed.
> Exit.
> Open dissertation.lyx in LyX 2.3.0.  Render.  This should succeed.
> Right-click chapter_01.lyx -> Edit.  Render.  This should fail with
> the attached regarding being unable to find my .bst file.
> At this point, I'm unsure where the problem lies (if it is indeed a
> problem) so anything I'd file in the tracker is no more help that
> what I'm filing here.
> As always, your help and time is appreciated!

The story is long and complex. If you are not interested in the
background but only in what I think the bug here is, jump to the last

The problem is as follows: bibliography.lyx is included both in
dissertation.lyx and chapter_01.lyx (which is also a child of
dissertation.lyx). This leads to bibliography.lyx claiming two "parent
buffers", one of which at the same time is its grandparent, a setting
which LyX is not (yet) prepared for (you also get a warning on the
console because of that).

Since only one parent is currently allowed, the last allocated one is
the effective parent (in your case, it happens to be chapter_01.lyx,
but read on...).

This "effective" parent is used for inheriting specific settings and
data to the children (e.g. for instant preview, source preview, labels
for cross-referencing, bibliography data for citing, etc.). I call this
type of parent "workarea parent" in what follows. The situation that
chapter_01.lyx is the "workarea parent" is most probably not what you
want, since I suppose you want to inherit settings and data from
dissertation.lyx. We could (try to) always use the uppermost buffer in
the hierarchy as "workarea parent" (if this can be determined), but
ideally, we should allow for multiple parents and provide a way to
select the "main" one that is used for workarea purposes (sometimes
uppermost parents are just portmanteaus for specific purposes; think
beamer handouts). However, this is a different bug ...

But next to the "workarea parent", the is another (and sometimes
different) kind of parent, namely the master document (henceforth
called "output parent"). If you compile your MWE from dissertation.lyx,
this file is the master document (output parent) and chapter_01.lyx and
bibliography.lyx are its children. If you compile from chapter_01.lyx,
however, this one is the master, with bibliography.lyx as child.

In order to account for that, we try to completely cut the links from
chapter_01.lyx to dissertation.lyx in that latter scenario (via the
ignore_parent bool that is set on latex export). This makes
chapter_01.lyx "output parent" of bibliography, or at least it is
supposed to be so.

Over the weekend, I tried to understand why this is not fully the case,
i.e., why the BibTeX inset in bibliography.lyx, when compiled from
chapter_01.lyx, has dissertation.lyx as its "output parent" (effecting
in the wrong tmp dir location determined via masterBuffer()-
>temppath()), even though we have explicitly cut the link from
chapter_01.lyx upwards. I first thought that the "workarea parent"
chimes in here, but that's not true, since as we saw above, "workarea
parent" is (erroneously) set to chapter_01.lyx as well!

And here is what I think to be the problem: a bug in the the buffer
cloning logic. Buffer cloning is done for exporting buffers; all
involved buffers are copied and then used for the export (this allows
for editing the real buffers during export). 
When we do that cloning, the parents are newly assigned to the clones.
And here's the problem: this is always done from the effective
"workarea parent" of the buffer that is about to be processed
(asyncBufferProcessing() calls cloneFromMaster(), which starts
processing at masterBuffer()). So while exporting, which starts from
the real "output parent", chapter_01.lyx, the parents are newly
assigned to the whole family, and since dissertation.lyx is the
workarea parent of chapter_01.lyx, dissertation.lyx is (wrongly)
declared as (output!) parent of chapter_01.lyx _and_ biblio

Re: Update on 2.3.0 situation and Windows-specific issues

2018-05-13 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 05/13/2018 01:34 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 12.05.2018 um 05:13 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
>>> Please make your decision and tell me.
>> Others can speak up if they wish, but I believe we have made ourselves
>> clear. We will not release an official Windows installer that updates
>> people's MikTeX installations without asking their permission.
> OK, this was clear since about 2 months. Why haven't we discussed at
> all? I made some arguments, see below and haven't heard a good reason
> against them. 

We discussed it endlessly. You gave your reasons, we gave ours, and we
seem to be
at a stalemate.

> It is also interesting that non-Win developers state they have better
> arguments without contesting the arguments from the Win developer.

As JMarc mentioned, he uses Windows all the time, and yet he agrees with
the rest
of the development team. I used Windows for years before switching to
Linux, and
I've installed Windows 10 both in a virtual machine and separately just
to be able to
check out these kinds of issues (as well as to explore Windows-specific
bugs). There
are tons of users who have now expressed their opinions on this. Do none
of us count?
Why not?

I am sorry that the relevant issues here have gotten mixed up with more
general issues
about the Windows installer. As I said, I (and I think many others)
wonder about whether
it is a good idea to try to package all of LyX's dependencies the way
you are. I am sorry
that my use of the English idiom "I wonder whether it's wise..." misled
you. That simply
means: I wonder whether it's the best course It's a very ordinary

But that's not what's at issue now. The ONLY question at the moment is
about a warning
dialog at the outset: One that would tell users that the installer will
update MikTeX,
direct them to a wiki page with more information, and give them the
opportunity to
cancel. That's it. No one is suggesting that you should change the
installer in any other
way, and if I manage to build the installer myself, then that is exactly
what it would be
like: The same as yours, with that dialog.

I understand that you think this would confuse 'ordinary users'. But
even if you are
right, and it seems to me that you are underestimating the intelligence
of 'ordinary
users', then (a) we can figure out some way to help them and (b) that is
by the fact that updating MikTeX can cause serious problems for some
users. That is
the 'harm' we've been talking about. Breaking people's systems is not a
trivial matter,
as José and many others have said.

> Average user can misunderstand it with a probability of 50%. Those who
> misunderstood it and denied the update can end up with an unusable LyX.

I think this is the issue that most matters.

As I see it, this **cannot happen**. If the user cancels the install,
HAPPENS. The proposal I and others have been making is that we have a dialog
*at the very beginning*. If the user cancels, then NOTHING HAPPENS. Their
system is left exactly the same as if they had never run the installer
at all. There
is therefore no possible way that running the installer and denying can
have a
bad effect. It's a NO-OP if the user cancels.

I also understand that there are other things that could happen, that
have nothing
to do with the LyX installer, that would break people's MikTeX
installations. That
is unfortunate, but not our problem, and not something for which we
should risk
breaking other users' installations.

It seems to me that your worry is that, if we don't update MikTeX on the
to 2.3.0, then there are users whose MikTeX will never get updated, and
then their
systems will be broken. Maybe so. But that, again, is not our problem.
It's a bug in
MikTeX that causes this, and the problem should be fixed there. I know
that we
sometimes 'work around' bugs in other programs, but not when it will
break stuff
for other users. Even if, as 'experts', they can (maybe) fix it.

>> If you refuse to include such a dialog, then I guess you should build
>> your installer separately.
> I refuse because this doesn't fit with Windows behavior as a service.
> [...] So I will now set up a new OpenSource project besides LyX for
> the installer.

OK. But please do not expect this *fork* to be advertised on the LyX
page once we have a new installer. Especially since, after not very
long, this whole
update issue will cease to be an issue.

> Since Windows changes e.g. registry things, programs like MiKTeX must
> change the way they work from time to time - if they like it or not.
> So must do LyX! 

Even *the MikTeX maintainer* has made it clear that we should not update
MikTeX without asking permission from the user. Isn't that good enough?


Re: Update on 2.3.0 situation and Windows-specific issues

2018-05-13 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 05/13/2018 01:34 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 12.05.2018 um 05:13 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
>>> Please make your decision and tell me.
>> Others can speak up if they wish, but I believe we have made ourselves
>> clear. We will not release an official Windows installer that updates
>> people's MikTeX installations without asking their permission.
> OK, this was clear since about 2 months. Why haven't we discussed at
> all? I made some arguments, see below and haven't heard a good reason
> against them. 

We discussed it endlessly. You gave your reasons, we gave ours, and we
seem to be
at a stalemate.

> It is also interesting that non-Win developers state they have better
> arguments without contesting the arguments from the Win developer.

As JMarc mentioned, he uses Windows all the time, and yet he agrees with
the rest
of the development team. I used Windows for years before switching to
Linux, and
I've installed Windows 10 both in a virtual machine and separately just
to be able to
check out these kinds of issues (as well as to explore Windows-specific
bugs). There
are tons of users who have now expressed their opinions on this. Do none
of us count?
Why not?

I am sorry that the relevant issues here have gotten mixed up with more
general issues
about the Windows installer. As I said, I (and I think many others)
wonder about whether
it is a good idea to try to package all of LyX's dependencies the way
you are. I am sorry
that my use of the English idiom "I wonder whether it's wise..." misled
you. That simply
means: I wonder whether it's the best course It's a very ordinary

But that's not what's at issue now. The ONLY question at the moment is
about a warning
dialog at the outset: One that would tell users that the installer will
update MikTeX,
direct them to a wiki page with more information, and give them the
opportunity to
cancel. That's it. No one is suggesting that you should change the
installer in any other
way, and if I manage to build the installer myself, then that is exactly
what it would be
like: The same as yours, with that dialog.

I understand that you think this would confuse 'ordinary users'. But
even if you are
right, then (a) we can figure out some way to help them and (b) that is
by the fact that updating MikTeX can cause serious problems for some
users. That is
the 'harm' we've been talking about. Breaking people's systems is not a
triival matter,
as I have José, and many others have said. Even *the MikTeX maintainer*
has made
it clear that we should not update MikTeX without asking permission from
the user.
Isn't that good enough?

>> where Jim Rockford suggests "a simple warning message" as a solution,
>> exactly what we have been suggesting all along.
> Why is my proposal not taken into account: Not having MiKTeX updated
> is an expert thing. Therefore only experts should be bothered with
> this. experts can read the announcement. 

Because no one reads ANNOUNCE, even expert users. And by the time the
update is done, the damage is done.

> Average user can misunderstand it with a probability of 50%. Those who
> misunderstood it and denied the update can end up with an unusable LyX.

No, they do not. If they deny, then NOTHING HAPPENS. The proposal is
that we give
this dialog at the very beginning, and if the user cancels, then NOTHING
Their system is left exactly the same as if they had never run the
installer at all. There
is therefore no possible way that running the installer and denying can
have a bad effect.
It's a NO-OP.

>> If you refuse to include such a dialog, then I guess you should build
>> your installer separately.
> I refuse because this doesn't fit with Windows behavior as a service.
> Windows will bring you every half a year new features and change
> settings and registry entries. If you don't like this you cannot use
> Windows. Since Windows changes e.g. registry things, programs like
> MiKTeX must change the way they work from time to time - if they like
> it or not. So must do LyX!
> But you think you can do different. Then start your Win 10 with the
> recent update that came out few days ago and try if you can work with
> MiKTeX and its old package management.
> I think it is senseless to discuss any longer since I can argue
> whatever I want and you will insist on your opinion you had from the
> first day on.
> So I will now set up a new OpenSource project besides LyX for the
> installer.
> regards Uwe

Re: Update on 2.3.0 situation and Windows-specific issues

2018-05-13 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 05/13/2018 01:34 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 12.05.2018 um 05:13 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
>>> Please make your decision and tell me.
>> Others can speak up if they wish, but I believe we have made ourselves
>> clear. We will not release an official Windows installer that updates
>> people's MikTeX installations without asking their permission.
> OK, this was clear since about 2 months. Why haven't we discussed at
> all? I made some arguments, see below and haven't heard a good reason
> against them. 

We discussed it endlessly. You gave your reasons, we gave ours, and we
seem to be
at a stalemate.

> It is also interesting that non-Win developers state they have better
> arguments without contesting the arguments from the Win developer.

As JMarc mentioned, he uses Windows all the time, and yet he agrees with
the rest
of the development team. I used Windows for years before switching to
Linux, and
I've installed Windows 10 both in a virtual machine and separately just
to be able to
check out these kinds of issues (as well as to explore Windows-specific
bugs). There
are tons of users who have now expressed their opinions on this. Do none
of us count?
Why not?

I am sorry that the relevant issues here have gotten mixed up with more
general issues
about the Windows installer. As I said, I (and I think many others)
wonder about whether
it is a good idea to try to package all of LyX's dependencies the way
you are. I am sorry
that my use of the English idiom "I wonder whether it's wise..." misled
you. That simply
means: I wonder whether it's the best course It's a very ordinary

But that's not what's at issue now. The ONLY question at the moment is
about a warning
dialog at the outset: One that would tell users that the installer will
update MikTeX,
direct them to a wiki page with more information, and give them the
opportunity to
cancel. That's it. No one is suggesting that you should change the
installer in any other
way, and if I manage to build the installer myself, then that is exactly
what it would be
like: The same as yours, with that dialog.

I understand that you think this would confuse 'ordinary users'. But
even if you are
right, then (a) we can figure out some way to help them and (b) that is
by the fact that updating MikTeX can cause serious problems for some
users. That is
the 'harm' we've been talking about. Breaking people's systems is not a
triival matter,
as I have José, and many others have said. Even *the MikTeX maintainer*
has made
it clear that we should not update MikTeX without asking permission from
the user.
Isn't that good enough?

>> where Jim Rockford suggests "a simple warning message" as a solution,
>> exactly what we have been suggesting all along.
> Why is my proposal not taken into account: Not having MiKTeX updated
> is an expert thing. Therefore only experts should be bothered with
> this. experts can read the announcement. 

Because no one reads ANNOUNCE, even expert users. And by the time the
update is done, the damage is done.

> Average user can misunderstand it with a probability of 50%. Those who
> misunderstood it and denied the update can end up with an unusable LyX.

No, they do not. If they deny, then NOTHING HAPPENS. The proposal is
that we give
this dialog at the very beginning, and if the user cancels, then NOTHING
Their system is left exactly the same as if they had never run the
installer at all. There
is therefore no possible way that running the installer and denying can
have a bad effect.
It's a NO-OP.

>> If you refuse to include such a dialog, then I guess you should build
>> your installer separately.
> I refuse because this doesn't fit with Windows behavior as a service.
> Windows will bring you every half a year new features and change
> settings and registry entries. If you don't like this you cannot use
> Windows. Since Windows changes e.g. registry things, programs like
> MiKTeX must change the way they work from time to time - if they like
> it or not. So must do LyX!
> But you think you can do different. Then start your Win 10 with the
> recent update that came out few days ago and try if you can work with
> MiKTeX and its old package management.
> I think it is senseless to discuss any longer since I can argue
> whatever I want and you will insist on your opinion you had from the
> first day on.
> So I will now set up a new OpenSource project besides LyX for the
> installer.
> regards Uwe

Re: Update on 2.3.0 situation and Windows-specific issues

2018-05-13 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Am 12.05.2018 um 05:13 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:

No, I may wish to make use of it. I am in the process of figuring out
how to build the Windows installer myself, as you suggested. The code
belongs to LyX, not to you.

I never said that it belongs to me.

Please make your decision and tell me.

Others can speak up if they wish, but I believe we have made ourselves
clear. We will not release an official Windows installer that updates
people's MikTeX installations without asking their permission.

OK, this was clear since about 2 months. Why haven't we discussed at 
all? I made some arguments, see below and haven't heard a good reason 
against them. It is also interesting that non-Win developers state they 
have better arguments without contesting the arguments from the Win 

understand that you think Windows users would be confused by a simple
dialog asking their permission to update MikTeX.

I explained a dozen times why, and again below.

I have spoken to
several Windows users over the last few days who think otherwise. For a
public example, see

That doesn't help much. Jim know what MiKTeX is, my mother not. Jim will 
do the right thing in the dialog, my mother maybe not. Jim can google in 
our mailing list to find a solution, my mother not. So what people do we 
need to take care of the most - users like my mother. users like jim 
will find their way no matter if there is a dialog.

where Jim Rockford suggests "a simple warning message" as a solution,
exactly what we have been suggesting all along.

Why is my proposal not taken into account: Not having MiKTeX updated is 
an expert thing. Therefore only experts should be bothered with this. 
experts can read the announcement. Average user can misunderstand it 
with a probability of 50%. Those who misunderstood it and denied the 
update can end up with an unusable LyX. Therefore I am against such a 

If you refuse to include such a dialog, then I guess you should build
your installer separately.

I refuse because this doesn't fit with Windows behavior as a service. 
Windows will bring you every half a year new features and change 
settings and registry entries. If you don't like this you cannot use 
Windows. Since Windows changes e.g. registry things, programs like 
MiKTeX must change the way they work from time to time - if they like it 
or not. So must do LyX!
But you think you can do different. Then start your Win 10 with the 
recent update that came out few days ago and try if you can work with 
MiKTeX and its old package management.

I think it is senseless to discuss any longer since I can argue whatever 
I want and you will insist on your opinion you had from the first day on.

So I will now set up a new OpenSource project besides LyX for the installer.

regards Uwe