Dear Ben,

many thanks for your reply. I am forwarding it to the mailing list that others can follow the discussion:

Thanks for the answer,

First point:
What I mean is that when you choose
LyX:Preferences -> Language Settings -> Default
Keyboard binding should be related to the Keyboard of your system not the OS user interface language. Example I use Windows 10 with UK language interface but with a French Azerty Keyboard because it's a French keyboard in my laptop (speaking of hardware). Even that I changed LyX interface Language to French but I didn't notice big change in the default key bidding:
LyX:Preferences -> Editing -> Shortcuts

Second point:
LyX favorise "American dictionary" and overlook the other English dictionaries:
This is easily verified when you choose:
LyX:Document -> Settings -> Language -> English
then LyX use automatically "American" en_US.dic nothing else while in my spirit "English" refer to 3 or 4 international languages, the most important (historically) of then being the Britannic languages. When you save your custom spell checking words, LyX consider them related to en_US.dic. Now there is at least 6 options of English languages in the document settings: * English (this is supposed English International but LyX use en_US for this option)
* English (USA), LyX save the words in file called pwl_american.dict
* English (USA), LyX save the words in file called pwl_british.dict
* English (Australia) " "
* English (Canada) " "

Third point:
Most of the American dictionaries are quite disappointing. I think American care very little about this Hungarian spell checker and favorise Aspell. The dictionaries are poorly developed for this Language and come most from the SCOWL site:

and as noticed by the authors there:


/If none of these dictionaries suite you (for example, maybe you want the normal dictionary that also includes common variants) additional dictionaries can be generated at or by modifying speller/make-hunspell-dict in SCOWL. Please do let me know if you end up publishing a customized dictionary./

I spent the last 3 or 4 days improving this US dictionary <> (date 2007-08-29), that I consider *the best* after a lot of testing and I added more than 350 new words related my own field "Mathematics". I spent hours and hours browsing index of Mathematic books and checking  google for the consistency of words and if they are more or less accepted by the international community.
New word:


to say the least (how come on an American dictionary forget about a name like "Poincaré"?)

Please find attached some files related to my work.

Best regards.
H. Ben

Attachment: user.bind
Description: Binary data

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