On 04.05.16 16:08, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Le 29/04/2016 à 17:05, mn a écrit :

>> The shortcut for creating a single quotation mark in LyX cannot be
>> as universal as the wording implies.
>> On Mac with German-keyboard-layout the given shortcut Opt-" gives
>> a correct closing-double quotation mark \textquotedblleft{} (“) and
>> LyX does not transform this in any way to opening or closing single
>> quotation marks.
>> Since the Shift is only implied this is also a bug imho, since in
>> the menus it says ^+"
>> So this would be more correct to read ideally Ctrl-Shift-2, or
>> Ctrl-Shift-", or ^- – but not Alt/Opt-something.

> I cannot comment on this one unfortunately. Mn, please feel free to
> open a bug report on www.lyx.org/trac about the quotes.

This is getting more complicated than I thought.
Not the least since de- and en- UserGuides are inconsistent on this matter!

German says: Alt-Shift-2
English says: Control-Shift-2

de:  Um ein einfaches Anführungszeichens zu schreiben wollen, benutzen
Sie Alt+“.
(This also some kind of pidgin-German that needs to be reworded anyway!)
en:  For single quotes you have to use the shortcut Control-".

I just rechecked LyX on debian.

On Linux the shortcut gives the result mentioned from de-UserGuide:
On Mac it works with the one from English: Control-Shift-2.

On Linux I regularly struggle to remember the higher planes of the
keyboard layout. So there smart-quotes are helpful for me.

My initial comment still stands insofar that the de-UserGuide currently
does not reflect how things work in LyX on Mac (at least with German

I try to avoid “smart quotes” anyway, wherever possible.

Direct input of the quotes may be accomplished by
Opt-^  Opt-Shift-^  Opt-2  Opt-Shift-2 for German and English double-quotes.
Opt-s  Opt-#  Opt-Shift-# for single-quotes.

  So, changing the shortcut in LyX/Mac would actually _break_ that
functionality of having direct access to that particalar glyph that LyX
translates into \textquotedblleft{} (“) . Not good.

While trying to check this with different layouts - for a physically
German layout - of those I tested this might also effect Swiss, Danish,
French in a similar way.

Currently my undertanding implies that I would prefer to not file it as
a bug in LyX, but update the UserGuides accordingly.
(Ultimately encouraging users to get to know their particular layout and
direct entry of these glyphs into the LyX-editor would be best?)

In conclusion I think it would be a start if the UserGuides were
consistent and would read something like “automatic/smart single quotes
on Mac do not use a key-combo with opt/alt but Ctrl-Shift-2”


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