
LyX 1.5.5-3, Win2k SP4.

I ask where aspell goes because I previously installed LyX as a
portable app on a USB drive, specifified by E: . When I installed
LyX under windows with the 1.5.5-3 installer. Aspell kept
trying to install on the E: drive (which is not there and incorrect).

Where should Aspell be installed so LyX can find it? How can I
fix Aspell so it installs where it belongs. I assume the registry has
a key with the current WRONG install location (E:). What is the
correct location?

I found aspell.dll at "C:\Documents and Settings\dave\Local 
Settings\Application Data\LyX15\bin"

Searching the registry, Aspell tried to install in 

One thing comes to mind, uninstall Aspell from the E: drive and reinstall 
Aspell, or I could uninstall Aspell and LyX
and reinstall LyX. What's the easiest way to go? Which way should I go?


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