
I am trying to include code listings in my thesis. I would like text in a
monospaced font laid out in two columns, with some lines in the second
column emphasized. I have experimented with tables, but haven't been able to
place Lyx-Code in table cells, and therefore resorted to simply inserting
spaces between the two columns. However, emphasizing text using bold style
or colors seems to change the width of the font, giving the second column a
ragged margin. These two lines in the first column have the same effect,
although they contain no formatting:

public void decrement(int i) {

Second, I am including a number of PostScript files, generated by MetaPost.
But for some reason, I can only view the LyX document as PostScript. None of
the other conversions work. I tried having GhostView convert the graphics to
EPS, but it didn't help.

Thankful for any help.

Einar Pehrson

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