To NU participant with the [_ _ _R.S.] password. 
The next NU News Group debate topics are:

1) 9% PF - You no longer need to pay income tax.
2) NHRI - Free health and retirement insurance. 
3) NU has joined the FIN (Family ISPs Network) -
the spam eliminator.(It stops porno,hate groups,
and foul language email).However,recent court 
action makes unsolicited email legal.
So,FIN might be breaking the law?

For the debates dates, to be removed, or get 
excerpt about the law allowing unsolicited email,
contact Judy Anderson-NewAmerica University(NU) 

REMINDER. Post the rest of your password 
(3 digits before your initials) in the space 
provided [_ _ _].Then,put the whole password 
in the subject line when sending us an email.  
If you forgot how the password works,for help
go to 


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