On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, Steve Litt wrote:

In my case it's 100% the former. I have no problem with revealing my mistakes worldwide, but don't have a lot of time to learn the ins and outs of Wikis.

In that case, let me give you the 30-second tutorial... You'll find the result of the tutorial here:


Steve's 1-minute tutorial.

This tutorial isn't very pedagogic as it will start with an advanced
directive... but it is so ''extremely useful'' for automatically
generating a table of contents... By the way, to see the source
of this page, click on the link


I lied... did you notice? The tutorial actually started when I placed a
pair of single quotes, ', around a word to mark it as emphasized.
Another simple inline effect is making @@text monospace@@, or '''strong'''.
These tags only work within a single line (hence inline).

Anyway, back to the table of contents. It'll generate a TOC from the
headers, which you create like this:

!! Headers are marked by one or more '!' at the beginning of a line

This was a level-2 header, you get a level-1 header with a single '!'.
Guess how you make a level-3 header...

!! Lists and indented paragraphs

* Place an '*' first on the line to do a bullet item
--> This paragraph is indented two level because of '-->'
* This is another bullet item
** Oooh.. a second level item!
# And this is an enumerated item

!! Creating links and pages

One of the big things with a wiki is that it's so easy to create links.
For instance, simply writing http://wiki.lyx.org/Playground/StevesTutorial
results in a link.

In order to create a link to another wiki page, you can simply write the
name within square brackets, i.e. [[Sandbox]] will link to the page
"Sandbox" within the same group (Playground in this case). If you want to
create a link to a page within another group, say "LyX", try something
like [[LyX/Welcome]].

If you create a link to a wiki page that doesnt't exist, e.g.
[[This page does not exist]], it'll show up with a question mark. Click on
the question mark in order to create the page!

Or you can simply change the URI, telling the browser to go to page that
doesn't exist. Then you'll be asked if you want to create the page.

Finally, here's what you do if you're lazy and don't want what you write
to be interpreted as wiki markup. Place it withn [EMAIL PROTECTED]@]=], like 

This text is   pre-formatted and shown with monospace.

Linebreaks are therefore also preserved. It's useful
for illustring code snippets etc.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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