I have recently updated my little Zaurus 3100 to a new version of debian (armel), so re-installed LyX. I wanted to make sure it had access to everything it really needed, so I ran reconfigure.

I have the debian-sid lyx-1.5.2-1 package installed. I tried to compile lyx on the machine, but it is a long, slow process with the limited memory I have available. Sometimes it will crash in mid-compile of some of the larger object files, so make has to be re-started often. However, the debian package works fine.

The output of the command is stored in a LyX file, but my LyX could not read it. That file claims to be lyxformat 2.15, for LyX 0.11. Current Lyx 1.5.2 uses lyxformat 276. The file is not readable, and my LyX could not convert it to readable format. My usual trick, simply changing the format number, also does not work.

It seems that my machine is configured adequately, but maybe it would be time to update this output format. I just checked on my desktop machine and it, also, produces the same old lyx format from reconfigure. On that machine (debian lenny, amd64 machine) I compiled lyx-1.5.2 myself.


David L. Johnson

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries,
and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove
mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. [1 Corinth. 13:2]

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