I frequently experience what appears to be a problem with the Article class. I 
am using two-column format with some floats for figures. The figures take about 
1/4 to 1/3 of the height of a column. Sometimes, two figures get pushed to one 
column, most of the time with no problems, leaving room for some text in the 
same column. Other times, the two figures occupy the entire column and leave 
lots of empty white space above and below each figure but no text there. I 
can’t figure out what causes it to happen except that it can happen after 
adding or deleting some text before the first of the figures; likewise, it can 
revert to correct layout after adding or deleting some text before the first 

I use some defaults and some non-defaults in the Document -> Settings dialog 
box. There are numerous equations.

LyX 2.3.2, macOS 10.11.6.

Here is my preamble:

% Customize character size in captions.

% Drop cap


% Currently using "abstract" only for \saythanks.

% Try to change section, subsection... font sizes.

% Allow amsmath to make IEEE-style equation line breaks across pages and 

Here is a screen shot of thumbnails of three pages. The first and last are 
correctly formatted but the right column of the middle page shows the problem.

Attachment: PastedGraphic-1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


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