Dear all,

Using Lyx 2.0.7 on Windows 7 with MikTeX for writing a thesis in document class 
'book', my index does funny things:

Where it used to work fine on the same document in the past, now it only 
produces the page number of the index entry. After stripping my document to one 
chapter, I found out that adding new index entries will lead to a correct 
reference in the index again (as I did with the words Catia, Maaya and 
Rhinoceros in the above example). After looking at the produced TeX-file, I see 
that it will have to do with some language changes for spell checking that I 
did in the past:


The word 'designs' does not show in the index, only it's page number. The word 
'Catia' appears correctly. Does anyone know a quick way to solve this? I could 
of course re-enter all index-entries again going through my book, but since it 
is 300 pages, this would be the last option.

met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Roel Schipper

ir. H.R. Schipper
op donderdagmiddag meestal beschikbaar voor afspraken met studenten
available for appointments with students on Thursday afternoons generally
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Section Structural & Building Engineering - Sectie GCC
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