Re: IEEEtran.lyx (fwd)

2000-01-18 Thread Allan Rae

Does anyone know anything about how to handle equations that overlap
into the second column of a two column paper?

Can these just be broken in half somehow (preferrably automatically)
or is there something else that should be done?

Allan. (ARRae)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 13:57:29 +
From: Jin-Whi Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IEEEtran.lyx

Dear Allan

Thank you for this email.

I will test your new IEEEtran.lyx and layout tonight. 

I hope you notice that my last email sent 6 files are not awesome, in
fact, the point is just about "multicols" in IEEEtran.lyx, in which the
default is two columm. Sometimes my equations are long and need to
change to one columm. I wanted to know how to skillfully do that. I
tried that in TEX mode but it did not work.

I would appreciate it if you could look into the files and hope to hear
you again.

Jin-Whi Jung


Allan Rae wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Jan 100, ucesjwj wrote:
> > Hello, Allan
> Hello again,  I've attached the new IEEEtran.layout and template
> files.  I'll try to take a look at your other email and files in the
> next few days.  I hope this is enough to keep you going for a while.
> Allan.


2000-01-18 Thread Frank Derichsweiler


Frank Derichsweiler 
University of the German Federal Armed Forces
Department of Computer Science - Institute for Softwaretechnology

Re: Problems with list of algorithms

2000-01-18 Thread Herbert Voss

Ralph Boland wrote:
> I attempted to put a list of algorithms in my document
> but I get a list of errors (seems to be two per algorithm).

I don't really know, where the problem is, but if choose
book or book - komascript than everything works well.



Comment environment makes bad dblquote

2000-01-18 Thread Yann . Morere


i found a funny thing in my lyx 1.1.3, on alpha with
flore:/users/laih2/ymorere/lyx/faq_latex >latex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1)

when i use comment environment it puts in the tex file :

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
%% User specified LaTeX commands.

and without the use of it i've got :
%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
%% User specified LaTeX commands.

in the first case i've got a lot of problem with line like this : 


latex does not recognize ~\char`\"{} 

in the second case all work fine. no problem.

so perhaps my distribution of latex is too old but, my question is :

is it a bug or a feature

I must say that i tried to compiled the first case on a miktex
ditribution 1.09 and on a redhat 6.0 teTeX ditribution the result is
the same...

for information i put here my latex preamble :

%% This LaTeX-file was created by  Tue Jan 18 08:44:59 2000
%% LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 by Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team

%% Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing.
\geometry{verbose,a4paper,tmargin= 20mm,bmargin= 20mm,lmargin= 20mm,rmargin= 20mm}


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.

\def \datemoi{\number\day\
   \ifcase\month \or janvier \or f\'evrier \or mars \or avril \or mai \or \juin 
\or juillet
   \or a\^out \or septembre \or octobre \or novembre \or d\'ecembre \fi
   \ \number\year}

\def \heure{{\count0=\time \divide\count0 by 60
\count1 =\count0 \multiply\count1 by 60
\advance \count1 by -\time
\deuxchiffres{\count0}h \deuxchiffres{-\count1}}}
\def \deuxchiffres#1{\edef \next{\number#1}%
\def \deuxchiffresaux#1#2\end{\def\next{#2}%
\ifx \next\empty 0#1\else #1#2\fi}

% ceci permet d'avoir les noms de chapitre et section en minuscules
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
\fancyhf{} \fancyhead[LE,RO]{\bfseries\thepage}

\fancyfoot[LE,RO]{Yann MOR\`{E}RE [EMAIL PROTECTED]}
\fancyfoot[LO]{Made with \LyX}
%\fancyfoot[RE]{le \datemoi\ \`a \heure}
\fancyfoot[RE]{ \datemoi}
\addtolength{\headheight}{0.5pt}  % espace pour le filet

\fancypagestyle{plain}{ %pages de tetes de chapitre
\fancyhead{}%supprime l'entete
\fancyfoot{}%supprime le pied de page
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %le filet haut
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}}  %le filet bas





Another annoying thing is that my redefinition of \parindent does not
work. It seems to be good in lyx but