visor LyX does not work

2011-09-09 Thread Eugenio Raliuga
New installation of LyX in a new computer Dell Vostro 330.

My files were copied from the old computer and works fine, but in each file,
with the command view Pdf  appears:

Could not display
The location is not a folder.

(the full path is: /temp7lyx_tmpdir.MT8002/lyx_tmpbuf2/filename.pdf)
This problem happens with all files.

I re-installed LyX and erase the LyX temporal files; Lyx rewrite  the
temporal files and the problem appears again.

I work with Ubuntu 11.04 as my OS

Any Idea?

thanks for your attention

Eugenio Aguilar

Re: PDF won't generate

2011-09-09 Thread Gabriel Hurley
Sorry for the double-post if this is, in fact, a double post. I am
still getting used to the whole mailing list thing.

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Xu Wang wrote:
 What operating system do you use? Are you using 2.0.1? I assume that this
 happens for any lyx file, even the simplest ones?

Windows 7. I am using 2.0.0 because 2.0.1 has not been released for
Windows except through cygwin. And yes, it happens with every lyx


Re: [Pub-forum] ebook follies

2011-09-09 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

Progress on the LyX-eBook front!

My book is written in LyX (lastchance.lyx), and I converted it to 
ePub. Here's how.

Originally the directory has only a couple outlines and my LyX file, a 
6400 word book, shown in this directory listing displayed by Linux's 
ls command:

slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ ls -l
total 64
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   629 2011-08-04 17:36 bookotl.otl
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 50186 2011-09-08 06:01 lastchance.lyx
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   669 2011-08-09 04:23 

Now I use the elyxer program (I believe it's available on Windows 
also) to convert my LyX book to HTML. If I had wanted, I could have 
specified a CSS file for elyxer to use and customize appearance, but 
this is a proof of concept and I didn't want to complicate matters. So 
I just did the simplest possible elyxer command to convert 
lastchance.lyx to test.html:

slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ elyxer lastchance.lyx test.html
Line 66: Title: Our Last Chance
Line 1000: Parsing
slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ ls -ltr
total 112
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   629 2011-08-04 17:36 bookotl.otl
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   669 2011-08-09 04:23 
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 50186 2011-09-08 06:01 lastchance.lyx
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 48051 2011-09-09 22:10 test.html

You can clearly see the new test.html. Viewing test.html in Mozilla 
Firefox, you see it's a very faithful representation of 
lastchance.lyx. So far so good. Now let's epubize it test.html...

calibre ./test.html

Calibre spins for awhile, indicates that it's converting, and then 
comes up with the new eBook in the list of books. Unfortunately, the 
new eBook lists the author as nobody even though the author in LyX was 
Steve Litt. I don't know if the fault is in elyxer or calibre, but no 
matter, I can manually set metadata in calibre as follows:

Author(s): Steve Litt
Author sort: Steve Litt
Rating: 5 stars
Publisher: Troubleshooters.Com Books

Because this is a proof of concept, I leave the cover at its default 
-- a stock Calibre image. I click OK to exit the Edit Metadata screen 
and store the metadata.

With my book highlighted, I click the Convert Books icon and then 
click the EPUB Output symbol. Several conversion properties can be 
manipulated here. I changed none of them because my test book is very 
small, but if it were bigger I think I'd make the split files larger 
than amount in the tens of megabytes rather than 260 KB. But my file 
is small, so I simply click the OK button and watch it convert. Even 
with this tiny input file it took 10 or so seconds to convert. If the 
relationship between input size and conversion time were linear, that 
means it would take several minutes to convert my 1.06MB book Key to 
Everyday Excellence.

So now it's converted. But not saved. Before saving I'm going to make 
sure it's OK, so in Calibre I make sure my book is still highlighted 
on the list, go over to the right, and click the EPUB link. A nice 
ePub viewer pops up with my book in it. The formatting is plain 
vanilla, with no space between paragraphs nor indentation at the 
beginning of paragraphs, and there are a couple other minor problems, 
but it basically looks good.

Now I click the save icon and save to disk. Now, within the original 
directory is a directory called Steve Litt, and under that is a 
directory called Our Last Chance, which is the book title. Within 
that directory are Our Last Chance - Steve, .opf and .epub. 
Open the .epub directory with fbreader and you see the .epub all 
centered, with, as far as I can see, no way to make it left justified. 
Ugh! I think it's a flaw in fbreader, but don't know as yet.

I open it in Okular and it's justified correctly, but there are obvious 
mistakes, including bullet lists that have lots of blank bullets 
tacked on the end. I installed Mozilla's epubreader plugin, and the 
.epub then looks great in Mozilla Firefox, except the table of 
contents starts with an extraneous copy of chapter 2, which is true of 
several of the readers.

Anyway, the bottom line is, this was a proof of concept, and I took a 
LyX authored book and within a few minutes made it into an ePub.


Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence

visor LyX does not work

2011-09-09 Thread Eugenio Raliuga
New installation of LyX in a new computer Dell Vostro 330.

My files were copied from the old computer and works fine, but in each file,
with the command view Pdf  appears:

Could not display
The location is not a folder.

(the full path is: /temp7lyx_tmpdir.MT8002/lyx_tmpbuf2/filename.pdf)
This problem happens with all files.

I re-installed LyX and erase the LyX temporal files; Lyx rewrite  the
temporal files and the problem appears again.

I work with Ubuntu 11.04 as my OS

Any Idea?

thanks for your attention

Eugenio Aguilar

Re: PDF won't generate

2011-09-09 Thread Gabriel Hurley
Sorry for the double-post if this is, in fact, a double post. I am
still getting used to the whole mailing list thing.

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Xu Wang wrote:
 What operating system do you use? Are you using 2.0.1? I assume that this
 happens for any lyx file, even the simplest ones?

Windows 7. I am using 2.0.0 because 2.0.1 has not been released for
Windows except through cygwin. And yes, it happens with every lyx


Re: [Pub-forum] ebook follies

2011-09-09 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

Progress on the LyX-eBook front!

My book is written in LyX (lastchance.lyx), and I converted it to 
ePub. Here's how.

Originally the directory has only a couple outlines and my LyX file, a 
6400 word book, shown in this directory listing displayed by Linux's 
ls command:

slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ ls -l
total 64
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   629 2011-08-04 17:36 bookotl.otl
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 50186 2011-09-08 06:01 lastchance.lyx
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   669 2011-08-09 04:23 

Now I use the elyxer program (I believe it's available on Windows 
also) to convert my LyX book to HTML. If I had wanted, I could have 
specified a CSS file for elyxer to use and customize appearance, but 
this is a proof of concept and I didn't want to complicate matters. So 
I just did the simplest possible elyxer command to convert 
lastchance.lyx to test.html:

slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ elyxer lastchance.lyx test.html
Line 66: Title: Our Last Chance
Line 1000: Parsing
slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ ls -ltr
total 112
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   629 2011-08-04 17:36 bookotl.otl
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   669 2011-08-09 04:23 
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 50186 2011-09-08 06:01 lastchance.lyx
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 48051 2011-09-09 22:10 test.html

You can clearly see the new test.html. Viewing test.html in Mozilla 
Firefox, you see it's a very faithful representation of 
lastchance.lyx. So far so good. Now let's epubize it test.html...

calibre ./test.html

Calibre spins for awhile, indicates that it's converting, and then 
comes up with the new eBook in the list of books. Unfortunately, the 
new eBook lists the author as nobody even though the author in LyX was 
Steve Litt. I don't know if the fault is in elyxer or calibre, but no 
matter, I can manually set metadata in calibre as follows:

Author(s): Steve Litt
Author sort: Steve Litt
Rating: 5 stars
Publisher: Troubleshooters.Com Books

Because this is a proof of concept, I leave the cover at its default 
-- a stock Calibre image. I click OK to exit the Edit Metadata screen 
and store the metadata.

With my book highlighted, I click the Convert Books icon and then 
click the EPUB Output symbol. Several conversion properties can be 
manipulated here. I changed none of them because my test book is very 
small, but if it were bigger I think I'd make the split files larger 
than amount in the tens of megabytes rather than 260 KB. But my file 
is small, so I simply click the OK button and watch it convert. Even 
with this tiny input file it took 10 or so seconds to convert. If the 
relationship between input size and conversion time were linear, that 
means it would take several minutes to convert my 1.06MB book Key to 
Everyday Excellence.

So now it's converted. But not saved. Before saving I'm going to make 
sure it's OK, so in Calibre I make sure my book is still highlighted 
on the list, go over to the right, and click the EPUB link. A nice 
ePub viewer pops up with my book in it. The formatting is plain 
vanilla, with no space between paragraphs nor indentation at the 
beginning of paragraphs, and there are a couple other minor problems, 
but it basically looks good.

Now I click the save icon and save to disk. Now, within the original 
directory is a directory called Steve Litt, and under that is a 
directory called Our Last Chance, which is the book title. Within 
that directory are Our Last Chance - Steve, .opf and .epub. 
Open the .epub directory with fbreader and you see the .epub all 
centered, with, as far as I can see, no way to make it left justified. 
Ugh! I think it's a flaw in fbreader, but don't know as yet.

I open it in Okular and it's justified correctly, but there are obvious 
mistakes, including bullet lists that have lots of blank bullets 
tacked on the end. I installed Mozilla's epubreader plugin, and the 
.epub then looks great in Mozilla Firefox, except the table of 
contents starts with an extraneous copy of chapter 2, which is true of 
several of the readers.

Anyway, the bottom line is, this was a proof of concept, and I took a 
LyX authored book and within a few minutes made it into an ePub.


Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence

visor LyX does not work

2011-09-09 Thread Eugenio Raliuga
New installation of LyX in a new computer Dell Vostro 330.

My files were copied from the old computer and works fine, but in each file,
with the command "view Pdf"  appears:

Could not display
The location is not a folder.

(the full path is: /temp7lyx_tmpdir.MT8002/lyx_tmpbuf2/filename.pdf)
This problem happens with all files.

I re-installed LyX and erase the LyX temporal files; Lyx rewrite  the
temporal files and the problem appears again.

I work with Ubuntu 11.04 as my OS

Any Idea?

thanks for your attention

Eugenio Aguilar

Re: PDF won't generate

2011-09-09 Thread Gabriel Hurley
Sorry for the double-post if this is, in fact, a double post. I am
still getting used to the whole mailing list thing.

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Xu Wang  wrote:
> What operating system do you use? Are you using 2.0.1? I assume that this
> happens for any lyx file, even the simplest ones?

Windows 7. I am using 2.0.0 because 2.0.1 has not been released for
Windows except through cygwin. And yes, it happens with every lyx


Re: [Pub-forum] ebook follies

2011-09-09 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

Progress on the LyX->eBook front!

My book is written in LyX (lastchance.lyx), and I converted it to 
ePub. Here's how.

Originally the directory has only a couple outlines and my LyX file, a 
6400 word book, shown in this directory listing displayed by Linux's 
ls command:

slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ ls -l
total 64
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   629 2011-08-04 17:36 bookotl.otl
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 50186 2011-09-08 06:01 lastchance.lyx
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   669 2011-08-09 04:23 

Now I use the elyxer program (I believe it's available on Windows 
also) to convert my LyX book to HTML. If I had wanted, I could have 
specified a CSS file for elyxer to use and customize appearance, but 
this is a proof of concept and I didn't want to complicate matters. So 
I just did the simplest possible elyxer command to convert 
lastchance.lyx to test.html:

slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ elyxer lastchance.lyx test.html
Line 66: Title: Our Last Chance
Line 1000: Parsing
slitt@mydesk:/d/at/books/lastchance$ ls -ltr
total 112
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   629 2011-08-04 17:36 bookotl.otl
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt   669 2011-08-09 04:23 
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 50186 2011-09-08 06:01 lastchance.lyx
-rw-r--r-- 1 slitt slitt 48051 2011-09-09 22:10 test.html

You can clearly see the new test.html. Viewing test.html in Mozilla 
Firefox, you see it's a very faithful representation of 
lastchance.lyx. So far so good. Now let's epubize it test.html...

calibre ./test.html

Calibre spins for awhile, indicates that it's converting, and then 
comes up with the new eBook in the list of books. Unfortunately, the 
new eBook lists the author as nobody even though the author in LyX was 
Steve Litt. I don't know if the fault is in elyxer or calibre, but no 
matter, I can manually set metadata in calibre as follows:

Author(s): Steve Litt
Author sort: Steve Litt
Rating: 5 stars
Publisher: Troubleshooters.Com Books

Because this is a proof of concept, I leave the cover at its default 
-- a stock Calibre image. I click OK to exit the Edit Metadata screen 
and store the metadata.

With my book highlighted, I click the "Convert Books" icon and then 
click the EPUB Output symbol. Several conversion properties can be 
manipulated here. I changed none of them because my test book is very 
small, but if it were bigger I think I'd make the "split files larger 
than" amount in the tens of megabytes rather than 260 KB. But my file 
is small, so I simply click the OK button and watch it convert. Even 
with this tiny input file it took 10 or so seconds to convert. If the 
relationship between input size and conversion time were linear, that 
means it would take several minutes to convert my 1.06MB book "Key to 
Everyday Excellence".

So now it's converted. But not saved. Before saving I'm going to make 
sure it's OK, so in Calibre I make sure my book is still highlighted 
on the list, go over to the right, and click the EPUB link. A nice 
ePub viewer pops up with my book in it. The formatting is plain 
vanilla, with no space between paragraphs nor indentation at the 
beginning of paragraphs, and there are a couple other minor problems, 
but it basically looks good.

Now I click the save icon and save to disk. Now, within the original 
directory is a directory called "Steve Litt", and under that is a 
directory called "Our Last Chance", which is the book title. Within 
that directory are "Our Last Chance - Steve, .opf and .epub. 
Open the .epub directory with fbreader and you see the .epub all 
centered, with, as far as I can see, no way to make it left justified. 
Ugh! I think it's a flaw in fbreader, but don't know as yet.

I open it in Okular and it's justified correctly, but there are obvious 
mistakes, including bullet lists that have lots of blank bullets 
tacked on the end. I installed Mozilla's epubreader plugin, and the 
.epub then looks great in Mozilla Firefox, except the table of 
contents starts with an extraneous copy of chapter 2, which is true of 
several of the readers.

Anyway, the bottom line is, this was a proof of concept, and I took a 
LyX authored book and within a few minutes made it into an ePub.


Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence