On 02/18/2015 05:43 PM, Guenter Milde wrote:
On 2015-02-17, Michael Berger wrote:

Morning Günter,
I have no doubt that both \usepackage{textalpha} and
\usepackage{alphabeta} do work as you said (certain settings provided).
However, with my current settings they definitely do not, neither in
ordinary text nor in glosses.
See screenshot attached.
Can't see screenshots here (reading this via the Gmane interface per
newsreader), so I ask: how did you specify the \usepackage command? It
belongs in the document preamble, in LyX this can be achieved via inclusion in

However, if you achieve what you want without these packages, there is no
need to use these packages. (I personally prefer to have "\textalpha" or
similar in the glossary input instad of \textgreek{a}, but this is not
really important.)


Moin Günter,
first, I placed the \usepackage commands in: Document > Settings > Latex Preamble.
Other settings in LyX that may or may not have an impact on the issue:

- Document > Settings > Document Class: Beamer
- Document > Settings > Language
    Language : English
    Encoding: Language Default
    Language package: Default
- Document > Settings > Local Layout (because covington contradicts with glossing in beamer)
    Provides covington 1

My LyX's user interace is English.

my bests

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