On 9/08/2021 7:12 am, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 8/8/21 2:01 PM, David Pesetsky wrote:
Is there any way to program a key so that if you are typing within an ERT frame, it takes the cursor to the last (or first) character in that frame?

Also useful would be a way to exit the frame — landing at at the first non-ERT character to the left or right of the frame.

You can bind keys to the functions "inset-begin" (positions the cursor before the first character in the inset) and "inset-end" (positions the cursor after the last character in the inset). In both cases, the cursor remains within the inset.

To exit the inset, you can use "command-sequence inset-end; char-forward;".


But there's a catch with using inset-end or inset-begin like this to move out of the inset. If the cursor is at the end of the inset already then "command-sequence inset-end; char-forward;" will take you to the end of an enclosing inset if there is one, or to the end of your document if there is not, which can be disconcerting if all you want to do is position the cursor immediately after the inset.

command-sequence line-begin; inset-end; char-right;

takes care of the case when the cursor is already at the end of the inset (but still produces the big jump to the end of the document if the inset is empty).


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