Subject index with Makeindex

2021-09-25 Thread Andreas Plihal
The enclosed MWE shows a simple document with a series of key words with which I would like to fill a subject index. However, if I choose Makeindex as the index processor, the subject index is NOT displayed in the resulting PDF document. PLEASE, can someone tell me why? And how do I manage to create a subject index using Makeindex. Incidentally, no ind-file is created during compilation.


Greetings Andreas

Description: application/lyx

Description: Adobe PDF document
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Re: How to access the Date Field from Koma Letter in the (LaTeX) preamble.

2021-09-25 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 24.09.21 um 07:58 schrieb Dr Eberhard Lisse:

here is the complete letter with the accompanying Koma Letter Class
Option file, which either needs to be in the same directory or in one
which texhash (which MUST be run after each change) can find.

Look into the document's preamble (at the end). The command
\myISOdate  should be set in your document as a date field and
not in the preamble. I never used scrlettr2 so I do not know how to
 define such a field in LyX. Then you can input a date different from 

% Load EITHER the DIN Letter from Koma Script or the US one by commenting
% out the other
% Options
addrfield=true%print an address field?
,backaddress=true% print the back address?
,foldmarks=true%   print foldmarks?
,footsepline=false%separate the footer with a line on page >1
,fromalign=center% alignment of the address
,fromemail=false%  print sender e-mail address
,fromfax=false%print sender fax number
,fromlogo=false%   print a logo (position depends on fromalign)
,fromphone=false%  print sender phone number
,fromrule=afteraddress%separate the address with a line?
,fromurl=false%print sender URL
,headsepline=false%separate the header with a line on page >1
,pagenumber=botright%  position of the page number (see docu)
,parskip=half% Use indent instead of skip
,refline=wide% layout of the refline
,paper=a4% pagesize

% set some lengths for the letter

% Load some packages
% If I want to test the letter output

% to get to the URLs with proper breaking, needs some work
% to survive turning this on in LyX
   pdfborder={0 0 0},

% I like the ISO Date
LCO-File nanicmict.lco Error: Package `#2' not loaded%
See the documentation of nanicmict.lco for explanation.%
This lco-file needs serveral packages. But packages can be loaded only
\string\begin{document}. You've used the lco-file after
\string\begin{document} so it cannot\MessageBreak
load the needed packages.\MessageBreak
You should either add \string\LoadLetterOption{nanic} before
or load package `#2' using \string\usepackage[#1]{#2}

% page # of ## pages
% for the fancy header and footer formatting


Practice Nr: 016-000-141135\\
SWAMed Building 2$^{nd}$ Floor $\cdot$ John Meinert
Street $\cdot$ Windhoek $\cdot$ Namibia\\
Telephone: +264 61 236403 $\cdot$ Cell: +264 81 124
6733 $\cdot$ Fax: +264 88 624273 $\cdot$
Email: \href{}{}\\
GPG Fingerprint: 7399 BE0B AEFB 4AE5 EDB9 4A54 9705 1DA3 7945 3FAB

%\ofoot[Page \pagemark\ of \pageref{LastPage}]
%  {Page \pagemark\ of \pageref{LastPage}}
\ofoot{Page \pagemark\ of \pageref{LastPage}}

% Sender's Name, in LARGE font, then practice details, since the 
% address goes into the footer
\setkomavar{fromname}{\textsc{Dr Eberhard W Lisse}}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Obstetrician \& Gynaecologist}

% default signature, left justified
\setkomavar{signature}{Dr Eberhard W Lisse}

% This goes in the Window of the envelope with a