Re: Finding source of pdflatex build error

2022-09-10 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 9/9/22 17:58, Rich Shepard wrote:

I've a large report, six large chapters, bibliography, two appendices.

When I try to compile it I get an error. Trying to find where that 
error is

created, I made a new, empty mwe.lyx file.

Starting at the bottom of my report, I copied the appendices and
bibliography to mwe.lyx. Saved and built. No error. I then added chapters
individually to mwe.lyx, saved and built. No errors. Continued up through
Chapter 2; didn't add Chapter 1 because the report had no issues before I
added text, citations, and the appendices.

So, somewhere in what I added today pdflatex couldn't digest. But, 

from the end of the report forward, chapter-by-chapter everything builds.

What other procedure should I use to find what's causing the error?



Here's what I would do. Assuming that you have the original document 
(the one that won't compile) salted away somewhere, I would take your 
MWE and add Chapter 1 and anything else that's missing. If it still 
compiles, I'd compare it to the original using a file comparison tool 
and see if there are any meaningful differences (e.g., LaTeX commands in 
one but not the other). If differences are found, I'd try to figure out 
which one(s) cause the problem and then what caused LyX to 
insert/delete/alter/reorder the critical lines.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Fw: error with CV

2022-09-10 Thread Udicoudco
Hello Patrick,

It seems that moderncv is loading the inputenc package with the option
utf8, while you are loading this package with the option latin9.

 In latex it is only possible to load a package several times if all
the calls after the first one, is with a list of options that is a
subset of the options of the first call.

You can fix this issue in two ways. The firs way, as suggested by the
error message, you can add both options globally through the
\documentclass declaration. The way to do that in lyx, is to write the
options "utf8,latin9" (without the quotation marks)  in the text filed
called custom in Settings->Document Class. This will make lyx put
\documentclass[utf8,latin9,...]{moderncv} in the first line of the
output latex file. Note that any option written in the \documentclass
declaration will pass to all packages loaded after the declaration
(see the file attached).

The other solution is to change your language encoding to utf8 as
well. This can be done in Settings->Language, then check the radio
button called other, and select utf8 from the list. This will change
the call of \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} to
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}, which will not produce an option clash.

As a final note, i would also write in the preamble


since moderncv expects these macros to be defined (you can also define
it as your name).


On Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 10:22 AM Patrick Dupre  wrote:
> Hello,
> I would appreciate if you could help me in solving this issue
> due to moderncv
> What would be the alternative?
> Thank
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Could you tell me what is wrong with this file?
> > I get
> >  \usepackage
> >[a4paper]{geometry}
> > The package inputenc has already been loaded with options:
> >   [utf8]
> > There has now been an attempt to load it with options
> >   [latin9]
> > Adding the global options:
> >   utf8,latin9
> > to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
> > Try typingto proceed.
> >
> >
> >
> > #LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
> > \lyxformat 544
> > \begin_document
> > \begin_header
> > \save_transient_properties true
> > \origin unavailable
> > \textclass moderncv
> > \begin_preamble
> >
> > \end_preamble
> > \use_default_options true
> > \maintain_unincluded_children false
> > \language english
> > \language_package default
> > \inputencoding auto
> > \fontencoding global
> > \font_roman "default" "default"
> > \font_sans "default" "default"
> > \font_typewriter "default" "default"
> > \font_math "auto" "auto"
> > \font_default_family default
> > \use_non_tex_fonts false
> > \font_sc false
> > \font_osf false
> > \font_sf_scale 100 100
> > \font_tt_scale 100 100
> > \use_microtype false
> > \use_dash_ligatures false
> > \graphics default
> > \default_output_format default
> > \output_sync 0
> > \bibtex_command default
> > \index_command default
> > \paperfontsize 10
> > \spacing single
> > \use_hyperref false
> > \papersize a4paper
> > \use_geometry true
> > \use_package amsmath 1
> > \use_package amssymb 1
> > \use_package cancel 0
> > \use_package esint 1
> > \use_package mathdots 1
> > \use_package mathtools 0
> > \use_package mhchem 1
> > \use_package stackrel 0
> > \use_package stmaryrd 0
> > \use_package undertilde 0
> > \cite_engine basic
> > \cite_engine_type default
> > \biblio_style plain
> > \use_bibtopic false
> > \use_indices false
> > \paperorientation portrait
> > \suppress_date false
> > \justification true
> > \use_refstyle 0
> > \use_minted 0
> > \index Index
> > \shortcut idx
> > \color #008000
> > \end_index
> > \leftmargin 2.2cm
> > \topmargin 2.2cm
> > \rightmargin 2.2cm
> > \bottommargin 2.2cm
> > \secnumdepth 0
> > \tocdepth -1
> > \paragraph_separation skip
> > \defskip medskip
> > \is_math_indent 0
> > \math_numbering_side default
> > \quotes_style english
> > \dynamic_quotes 0
> > \papercolumns 1
> > \papersides 1
> > \paperpagestyle default
> > \tracking_changes false
> > \output_changes false
> > \html_math_output 0
> > \html_css_as_file 0
> > \html_be_strict false
> > \end_header
> >
> > \begin_body
> >
> > \begin_layout Standard
> > p
> > \end_layout
> >
> > \end_body
> > \end_document
> >
> >
> > ===
> >  Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
> >  Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
> >  9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 DIJON Cedex FRANCE
> >  Tel: +33 (0)380395988| | Room# D114A
> > ===
> >
> > --
> > lyx-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> lyx-users mailing list

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Fw: error with CV

2022-09-10 Thread Patrick Dupre

I would appreciate if you could help me in solving this issue 
due to moderncv
What would be the alternative?


> Hello,
> Could you tell me what is wrong with this file?
> I get 
>  \usepackage
> The package inputenc has already been loaded with options:
>   [utf8]
> There has now been an attempt to load it with options
>   [latin9]
> Adding the global options:
>   utf8,latin9
> to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
> Try typingto proceed.
> #LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
> \lyxformat 544
> \begin_document
> \begin_header
> \save_transient_properties true
> \origin unavailable
> \textclass moderncv
> \begin_preamble
> \end_preamble
> \use_default_options true
> \maintain_unincluded_children false
> \language english
> \language_package default
> \inputencoding auto
> \fontencoding global
> \font_roman "default" "default"
> \font_sans "default" "default"
> \font_typewriter "default" "default"
> \font_math "auto" "auto"
> \font_default_family default
> \use_non_tex_fonts false
> \font_sc false
> \font_osf false
> \font_sf_scale 100 100
> \font_tt_scale 100 100
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> \use_dash_ligatures false
> \graphics default
> \default_output_format default
> \output_sync 0
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> \index_command default
> \paperfontsize 10
> \spacing single
> \use_hyperref false
> \papersize a4paper
> \use_geometry true
> \use_package amsmath 1
> \use_package amssymb 1
> \use_package cancel 0
> \use_package esint 1
> \use_package mathdots 1
> \use_package mathtools 0
> \use_package mhchem 1
> \use_package stackrel 0
> \use_package stmaryrd 0
> \use_package undertilde 0
> \cite_engine basic
> \cite_engine_type default
> \biblio_style plain
> \use_bibtopic false
> \use_indices false
> \paperorientation portrait
> \suppress_date false
> \justification true
> \use_refstyle 0
> \use_minted 0
> \index Index
> \shortcut idx
> \color #008000
> \end_index
> \leftmargin 2.2cm
> \topmargin 2.2cm
> \rightmargin 2.2cm
> \bottommargin 2.2cm
> \secnumdepth 0
> \tocdepth -1
> \paragraph_separation skip
> \defskip medskip
> \is_math_indent 0
> \math_numbering_side default
> \quotes_style english
> \dynamic_quotes 0
> \papercolumns 1
> \papersides 1
> \paperpagestyle default
> \tracking_changes false
> \output_changes false
> \html_math_output 0
> \html_css_as_file 0
> \html_be_strict false
> \end_header
> \begin_body
> \begin_layout Standard
> p
> \end_layout
> \end_body
> \end_document
> ===
>  Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
>  Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
>  9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 DIJON Cedex FRANCE
>  Tel: +33 (0)380395988| | Room# D114A
> ===
> -- 
> lyx-users mailing list
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