book(ams) class doesn't have abstract style

2008-11-08 Thread Laser Yuan
Actually, I have two problem with using the book(ams) class. First, I want to have a piece of abstract in my document just before the content list. But there is no option for this format in book(ams) class. Can I add abstract to the document manually, and how to do that? Second, when ever I

Re: The index numbers overlap with the titles

2008-11-25 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, As you know, book{ams} layout can automatically general Content, List of Figure etc. But sometimes List of Figures has the index numbers overlap on the titles of those figures. I exact one page pdf(below link) to show this phenomenon. Can I fix it?

Re: The index numbers overlap with the titles

2008-11-26 Thread Laser Yuan
Could anybody help me? This time I attached the lyx code bellow, which demonstrate the bug. I'm hoping for a quick response, since I'm supposed to turn in the thesis in days. Thanks for your help! #LyX 1.5.6 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 276 \begin_document

How to implement batch convertion on equations style.

2009-02-12 Thread Laser Yuan
I have attached the sample file bellow. I have put many equations in arrays since I want to get multiline equation with single label and align them to the left. But it turned out that elements in the array are not in display style. Finally, I found using aligned AMS environment is what I desired.

How to get a modified Enumerate style?

2009-02-23 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, I need to write an description for an algorithm in my paper, which includes several steps . Basically the Enumerate style will fit my purpose. Except that I want a sequence like this: Step 1 ... ... Step 2 ... instead of 1. . ... 2. . ... Any

List of Tables, numbering problem

2009-07-16 Thread Laser Yuan
Hello, I have tables in Chapters, say, two in the first Chapter, one in the second. And I'm using ASM(book) class. The numbering comes up with the list of talbes are like this: 1 2 ... 1 ... I want it to be: 1.1 ... 1.2 ... 2.1 ... Could anybody tell me, how this wizard numbering

importing latex with new document class.

2009-08-14 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, I need to import a latex document to lyx. It turned out not be working since a new class file is used in the latex file. As I remember, in old version of lyx, user can define the document class in document setting. It's not allowed to do so now. My question is how can I import a latex file

book(ams) class doesn't have abstract style

2008-11-08 Thread Laser Yuan
Actually, I have two problem with using the book(ams) class. First, I want to have a piece of abstract in my document just before the content list. But there is no option for this format in book(ams) class. Can I add abstract to the document manually, and how to do that? Second, when ever I

Re: The index numbers overlap with the titles

2008-11-25 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, As you know, book{ams} layout can automatically general Content, List of Figure etc. But sometimes List of Figures has the index numbers overlap on the titles of those figures. I exact one page pdf(below link) to show this phenomenon. Can I fix it?

Re: The index numbers overlap with the titles

2008-11-26 Thread Laser Yuan
Could anybody help me? This time I attached the lyx code bellow, which demonstrate the bug. I'm hoping for a quick response, since I'm supposed to turn in the thesis in days. Thanks for your help! #LyX 1.5.6 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 276 \begin_document

How to implement batch convertion on equations style.

2009-02-12 Thread Laser Yuan
I have attached the sample file bellow. I have put many equations in arrays since I want to get multiline equation with single label and align them to the left. But it turned out that elements in the array are not in display style. Finally, I found using aligned AMS environment is what I desired.

How to get a modified Enumerate style?

2009-02-23 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, I need to write an description for an algorithm in my paper, which includes several steps . Basically the Enumerate style will fit my purpose. Except that I want a sequence like this: Step 1 ... ... Step 2 ... instead of 1. . ... 2. . ... Any

List of Tables, numbering problem

2009-07-16 Thread Laser Yuan
Hello, I have tables in Chapters, say, two in the first Chapter, one in the second. And I'm using ASM(book) class. The numbering comes up with the list of talbes are like this: 1 2 ... 1 ... I want it to be: 1.1 ... 1.2 ... 2.1 ... Could anybody tell me, how this wizard numbering

importing latex with new document class.

2009-08-14 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, I need to import a latex document to lyx. It turned out not be working since a new class file is used in the latex file. As I remember, in old version of lyx, user can define the document class in document setting. It's not allowed to do so now. My question is how can I import a latex file

book(ams) class doesn't have "abstract" style

2008-11-08 Thread Laser Yuan
Actually, I have two problem with using the book(ams) class. First, I want to have a piece of abstract in my document just before the content list. But there is no option for this format in book(ams) class. Can I add abstract to the document manually, and how to do that? Second, when ever I

Re: The index numbers overlap with the titles

2008-11-25 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, As you know, book{ams} layout can automatically general "Content", "List of Figure" etc. But sometimes "List of Figures" has the index numbers overlap on the titles of those figures. I exact one page pdf(below link) to show this phenomenon. Can I fix it?

Re: The index numbers overlap with the titles

2008-11-26 Thread Laser Yuan
Could anybody help me? This time I attached the lyx code bellow, which demonstrate the bug. I'm hoping for a quick response, since I'm supposed to turn in the thesis in days. Thanks for your help! #LyX 1.5.6 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 276 \begin_document

How to implement batch convertion on equations style.

2009-02-12 Thread Laser Yuan
I have attached the sample file bellow. I have put many equations in arrays since I want to get multiline equation with single label and align them to the left. But it turned out that elements in the array are not in display style. Finally, I found using aligned AMS environment is what I desired.

How to get a modified Enumerate style?

2009-02-23 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, I need to write an description for an algorithm in my paper, which includes several steps . Basically the Enumerate style will fit my purpose. Except that I want a sequence like this: Step 1 ... ... Step 2 ... instead of 1. . ... 2. . ... Any

List of Tables, numbering problem

2009-07-16 Thread Laser Yuan
Hello, I have tables in Chapters, say, two in the first Chapter, one in the second. And I'm using ASM(book) class. The numbering comes up with the "list of talbes" are like this: 1 2 ... 1 ... I want it to be: 1.1 ... 1.2 ... 2.1 ... Could anybody tell me, how this wizard numbering

importing latex with new document class.

2009-08-14 Thread Laser Yuan
Hi, I need to import a latex document to lyx. It turned out not be working since a new class file is used in the latex file. As I remember, in old version of lyx, user can define the document class in document setting. It's not allowed to do so now. My question is how can I import a latex file