How to specify a copier that also copies subdirectories?

2009-07-15 Thread Philippe Grosjean


I have a format (TeX, or R files generated using sweave) where there 
could be associated files generated in subdirectories. I have set up a 
copier for my formats:

LaTeX -> python -tt $$s/scripts/ -e 
tex,aux,bib,bst,sty,eps,pdf $$i $$o

R -> python -tt $$s/scripts/ -e R,r,Rd $$i $$o

It works well, except it ignores files in subdirectories. Is there an 
option to copy also files from subdirectories (maintaining the 
subdirectory structure) too?

Also, it seems files are not cleared from the temporary dir between each 
compilation of the LyX file. So, sometimes, I got old files copied too. 
Is it an option to clean the temp dir before each run?


 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (    Prof. Philippe Grosjean
 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
 ) ) ) ) )   Mons-Hainaut University, Belgium
( ( ( ( (

Defining external material product on several lines

2009-06-25 Thread Philippe Grosjean
Using LyX 1.6.3 Mac OS X, I am not able to define Product on several 
lines (as the example in the Customization manual). Here is my definition:

Template Rcode
GuiName "R code: $$FName"
Insert R code inside a R-Chunk (Sweave document).
InputFormat R
FileFilter "*.{R,r}"
AutomaticProduction false
Preview Off
Transform Extra
Format Ascii
TransformOption Extra  ExtraOption
Option Pre "<<$$Extra>>="
Product "$$Pre

Using this, I got only the string equivalent to $$Pre printed in my 
document. If I put everything on one line, that is:

Product "$$Pre$$Contents(\"$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension\")@"

it works fine (except the '@' that is not printed)... except I need to 
include line feed between the three elements for correct noweb 
formatting of my output!
May be is it an alternate way to include line feed or @ in the product 
(I have testes \n and \@ without success)?


 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (Prof. Philippe Grosjean
 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
 ) ) ) ) )   Mons-Hainaut University, Belgium
( ( ( ( (

Re: New style with similar properties as listings?

2009-06-25 Thread Philippe Grosjean

As a temporary workaround to get tabs available, I redefine:

\bind "Tab" "command-alternatives 
with last command being self-insert \t (the actual tabulation). I have 
tried unicode-insert 0x0009, but it does not work.

This is not as good as tab-insert/tab-delete, but will do the job for now...


Philippe Grosjean wrote:

I would love to see this feature added in the next LyX version.
Many thanks,


rgheck wrote:

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

only works with listings. You might be able to redo the bindings so
that the tab key would insert a tab, perhaps via unicode-insert and
then the tab character, but I'm not sure.

This probably that this code should be made more generic and usable in
custom insets... I am not sure how difficult this would be.

Fairly easy, I think. The attached basically just moves the code from 
InsetListings to InsetCollapsable and tests against PassThru. I 
haven't actually tested it but can't see how it wouldn't work.


Re: New style with similar properties as listings?

2009-06-25 Thread Philippe Grosjean

I would love to see this feature added in the next LyX version.
Many thanks,


rgheck wrote:

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

only works with listings. You might be able to redo the bindings so
that the tab key would insert a tab, perhaps via unicode-insert and
then the tab character, but I'm not sure.

This probably that this code should be made more generic and usable in
custom insets... I am not sure how difficult this would be.

Fairly easy, I think. The attached basically just moves the code from 
InsetListings to InsetCollapsable and tests against PassThru. I haven't 
actually tested it but can't see how it wouldn't work.


Re: New style with similar properties as listings?

2009-06-24 Thread Philippe Grosjean

I am progressing... I have now defined a custom layout:

InsetLayout Schunk
LyxType   custom
LabelString   <<>>=...
LatexType none
  Family  typewriter
  Color   latex
  Family  typewriter
  Color   latex
  Series  Bold
BgColor   listingsbg
MultiPar  true
PassThru  true
KeepEmpty true
FreeSpacing   true
ForceLTR  true

This solves my problem with respect of line feed. However, I cannot 
tab/backtab in this environment. LyX says "command disabled" when I try 
tab-insert or tab-delete commands.

How can I activate these commands in my layout, sa it is in listings?
Thanks in advance.


Philippe Grosjean wrote:

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Philippe Grosjean schrieb:

I am defining a new style that should contain some program code. I 
would like to get the same behavior as listings, i.e., keep line feed 
and allow entering tabulation. Is it a way to define my style so that 
it behaves that way?

I don't understand. What you want is what listings provide. What do 
you miss with listings?

regards Uwe

No, I want the same behavior as listings, but for other purposes that do 
not fit in it. Actually, I define a Schunk environment for using Sweave 
(literate programming). Thus, the content is evaluated in R and should 
not appear in a listing. Yet, I would like to get the same convenience 
for editing my R code inside LyX as I got in listings (keep line feed 
and use tabulations).

Thanks for your help.


Re: New style with similar properties as listings?

2009-06-24 Thread Philippe Grosjean

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Philippe Grosjean schrieb:

I am defining a new style that should contain some program code. I 
would like to get the same behavior as listings, i.e., keep line feed 
and allow entering tabulation. Is it a way to define my style so that 
it behaves that way?

I don't understand. What you want is what listings provide. What do you 
miss with listings?

regards Uwe

No, I want the same behavior as listings, but for other purposes that do 
not fit in it. Actually, I define a Schunk environment for using Sweave 
(literate programming). Thus, the content is evaluated in R and should 
not appear in a listing. Yet, I would like to get the same convenience 
for editing my R code inside LyX as I got in listings (keep line feed 
and use tabulations).

Thanks for your help.


New style with similar properties as listings?

2009-06-24 Thread Philippe Grosjean


I am defining a new style that should contain some program code. I would 
like to get the same behavior as listings, i.e., keep line feed and 
allow entering tabulation. Is it a way to define my style so that it 
behaves that way?


Philippe Grosjean
 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (    Prof. Philippe Grosjean
 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
 ) ) ) ) )   Mons-Hainaut University, Belgium
( ( ( ( (

Re: Sweave code full of escape codes when printed?

2009-06-11 Thread Philippe Grosjean

1) Have you placed your code in an ERT (Tex code)?

2) Did you enclose it with the required tags for noweb (INSIDE de ERT), 

library (car)

3) Did you run Sweave on the Noweb version produced?


Philippe Grosjean

Graham Smith wrote:

I've started using Sweave and having a problem

The code in Lyx is

library (car)


But its appearing in the PDF as

 > cabbages$Year <- recode(cabbages$Year, 
"\"X2001\"=\"2001\";\"X2002\"=\"2002\";\"X2003\"=\"2003\";\ etc

And obviously isn't working as printing out incorrectly.

Can anyone suggest what is happening here.

Many thanks,


forward search?

2009-06-07 Thread Philippe Grosjean


I have set up the reverse DVI/PDF search feature. However, I would like 
to do the opposite: forward search (indicate the same position in the 
DVI/PDF as where is the cursor in the LyX document). Is it a mean to 
associate a key combination to trigger it?

I could work with the lyx server, but I miss a function that indicates 
me the line in the tex file corresponding to the position of the cursor 
in LyX. I imagine that such information could be accessible, since 
server-goto-file-row is capable of doing the opposite (from Tex line to 
LyX line).

In case this function does not exists, would it be possible to develop 
it for next LyX version?


 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (    Prof. Philippe Grosjean
 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
 ) ) ) ) )   Mons-Hainaut University, Belgium
( ( ( ( (

Re: [Figure embedding] An easy way to share lyx documents

2009-04-13 Thread Philippe Grosjean
OpenOffice does that with the Open Document format (.odx). Java does 
that with JARs, Mozilla does that with plugins, ... Everytime it is the 
same: a zipped directory tree. Perhaps, such a format (kind of .zlyx) 
could be purely optional? It shouldn't replace the original format. That 
way, opponents could use their usual .lyx files and place their figures 
where they like. I would be very happy to get such a feature!


Philippe Grosjean
 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (Prof. Philippe Grosjean
 ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( (Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
 ) ) ) ) )   Mons-Hainaut University, Belgium
( ( ( ( (

Richard Heck wrote:

Etienne lepercq wrote:
I am new to LyX, but not as new to LaTeX : I used Kile for quiet a few 
now. I would like to use LyX to work with several people on an 
article. As LyX is

much more user-friendly than Kile, a pure LaTeX editor, I convinced my
collaborators to give a try to LyX.

There is te least one thing in LyX (and LaTeX) that is not easy to 
sharing a whole document to make it modifiable by others : one have to 

an archive with all figures and latex source, collaborators have to untar
it, open LyX, read/modify/etc... and then... rebuild archive, send the
archive, etc...

This is counter-productive, not easy to use, it is a pain. One simple
solution I see for this is to give the ability to LyX to open, say .tar
archives, with a specific tree inside (.yx sources, then
figures/allFigures.Whatever or something). Such archive could be called
.lyxZ files ;-)

Does such feature exist already ? I searched over 
FAQ/Documentation/Asked on

#LyX but did not find anything more than : two implementations were made
once, but as nobody could say which was the best... none were released !!

This is not _that_ complex to implement, but is there a way to have such
feature now, or is there a way to at least release one relatively-good
implementation ?

I agree with you that there is a way to do this that makes it quite 
simple, both to implement and to use. But it imposes restrictions on 
where you can put files, since you can't (and don't want to) untar to 
arbitrary locations in the filesystem. This bothered some people. And so 
it was disagreements over how to manage these sorts of issues that led 
to our not releasing anything. To my mind, this was a perfect example of 
the good being sacrificed for the non-existent best, but, well, I'd 
really rather not have that battle again.

So, at present, the tar-untar routine is about all we can do.

That said, if enough USERs thought the kind of facility you have 
mentioned here was worth implementing, I'd be willing to resurrect the 
work I did before and make it functional.


Re: Configure Lyx, R, Sweave on OS X

2008-11-14 Thread Philippe Grosjean

mikeandkatedunbar wrote:

I am trying to get up and running with Lyx and R, using Sweave

I have achieved this on my Windows XP PC at work with MikTex. Great.

HOWEVER On my Mac (OSX 10.4.7 with MacTex 2008 installed) I have come up 
against a “brick wall”

Lyx 1.6 is installed and I can generate dvi files from simple example 
.lyx files

R 2.8 is installed, I am up to the stage where R CMD Sweave foo.Rnw 
works, as does Latex foo.tex

kpsewhich Sweave.sty confirms that Latex can find Sweave.sty

I have followed the instructions in
and copied files to the relevant locations into
\users\me\Library\Application Support\Lyx-1.6
And reconfigured / restarted Lyx

But whenever I open a test file such as

I get the same old message
“The layout file requested by this document, literate-article.layout, is 
not usable. This is probably because a LaTeX class or style file 
required by it is not available. ”

This does not appear to be a problem with Sweave.sty (at least, not 
directly). It is your literate-article.layout which cannot be found, is 
corrupted, or is incompatible with the new LyX 1.6 version. Have you 
tried with LyX 1.5.7?

It seems like Lyx cannot find Sweave.sty, event though Latex can find it.

I'm at my wits end, so any advice on how to troubleshoot this would be 
very much appreciated. While I'm quite familiar with R, Lyx is very new 
to me.




Philippe Grosjean

file-insert with ~ in the path

2008-08-25 Thread Philippe Grosjean


I would like to set up a directory with little snippets to insert in LyX
documents. These "snippets" are small .lyx files located, let's say, in
~/LyXsnippets. I would like my menu and toolbar entries to be portable
(different users, different OSes). That's why I don't use
/Users/phgrosjean/LyXsnippets (on my Mac) for instance. Unfortunately, it
seems that the "file-insert" command does not expand ~, and it cannot use
environment variables too.

So, how can I do that? Any hint?

Also, there is problem with the slash in the name of the toolbar button icon
under Windows. I suppose I should use a .def file and the "call" command,
but I cannot make it run. Any hint welcome too.

I use LyX 1.5.6 under Mac OS X 10.4 / Windows XP sp2 / Ubuntu Hardy Heron.


Philippe Grosjean

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