glossaries and export

2010-06-22 Thread Steven Bell
I am attempting to use the glossaries package with LyX, and have had only
partial success. I've put the appropriate ERT into my document and created a
short makefile which exports the LyX document to TeX and runs pdflatex and
makeindex to generate the final pdf.  This works well, but I would like a
solution that doesn't produce quite as much clutter.
Obviously there is built-in support for the nomencl package, but that
appears to not have been updated in the last 5 years or so ( and it
doesn't appear to do what I'm currently doing with glossaries.

Is there a way for me to export the LyX document (and the included images)
to a separate directory, the same way I would create a build subdirectory
when compiling software?  Right now, it just appears that "lyx -e pdflatex"
just creates files in the directories where the source files are.

Even better, is there a way to have LyX run makeindex and makeglossaries for
me, and produce the final pdf without the makefile?

I've been using LyX 1.6.5 and svn trunk.


Difference between "New Page" and "Page Break"

2010-01-22 Thread Steven Bell
What is the difference between "New Page" (\newpage{}) and a "Page Break"
(\pagebreak{})?  They seem to be the same - is there any reason I would use
one over the other?