Re: Wrong numbering of appendix

2015-05-05 Thread Aline Gautrein

I solved the problem: You must not put an \backmatter in front of the


2015-05-05 13:34 GMT+02:00 Aline Gautrein :

> Hey Lyx-friends,
> I use Koma-script class book. I added an appendix to my dissertation and
> in the Lyx-file it is correctly numbered with Appendix A. Figure A.1... etc.
> My problem: In the pdf-file the "A" is missing in the headings and the
> captions. Headings look like this:
> .1.1 Blabla
> .1.3 blabla
> captions like this:
> Figure .1:
> Figure .2:
> Do I have to insert something in the preamble, saying that letters are
> allowed in heading- and caption numbers?
> Which command do I need?
> Thanks a lot!

Wrong numbering of appendix

2015-05-05 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx-friends,

I use Koma-script class book. I added an appendix to my dissertation and in
the Lyx-file it is correctly numbered with Appendix A. Figure A.1... etc.

My problem: In the pdf-file the "A" is missing in the headings and the
captions. Headings look like this:

.1.1 Blabla
.1.3 blabla

captions like this:

Figure .1:
Figure .2:

Do I have to insert something in the preamble, saying that letters are
allowed in heading- and caption numbers?

Which command do I need?

Thanks a lot!

Re: Headings with package fancyhdr

2015-05-04 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Jürgen!

Thanks a lot! I switched to scrpage and used this comand in front of the
nomenclature entry:


Works fine :-)

2015-05-04 9:34 GMT+02:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller :

> 2015-05-04 9:22 GMT+02:00 Aline Gautrein:
>> 2. I used
>> \usepackage{multicol}
>> \@ifundefined{chapter}
>> {\def\wilh@nomsection{section}}
>> {\def\wilh@nomsection{chapter}}
>> \def\thenomenclature{%
>> \begin{multicols}{2}[%
>> \csname\wilh@nomsection\endcsname*{\nomname}
>> \if@intoc\addcontentsline{toc}{\wilh@nomsection}{\nomname}\fi
>> \nompreamble]
>> \list{}{%
>> \labelwidth\nom@tempdim
>> \leftmargin\labelwidth
>> \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
>> \itemsep\nomitemsep
>> \let\makelabel\nomlabel}%
>> }
>> \def\endthenomenclature{%
>> \endlist
>> \end{multicols}
>> \nompostamble}
>> to get a two column nomenclature with the columns beginning below the
>> chapter title. Unfortunately "Nomenclature" is now not been recognized as
>> chapter title by the fancyhdr anymore.
>> Does anyone know what to do?
> Try this instead:
> \usepackage{multicol}
> \def\thenomenclature{%
> \begin{multicols}{2}[%
> \addchap{\nomname}
> \nompreamble]
> \list{}{%
> \labelwidth\nom@tempdim
> \leftmargin\labelwidth
> \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
> \itemsep\nomitemsep
> \let\makelabel\nomlabel}%
> }
> \def\endthenomenclature{%
> \endlist
> \end{multicols}
> \nompostamble}
> Jürgen
>> Thanks a lot!

Headings with package fancyhdr

2015-05-04 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx-Gurus,

I am using KOMAscript book and I inserted a footer and header with fancyhdr
(I know one could also use scrpage).
After some playing around, I finally managed to have the footer and headers
as intended, except for two problems.

1. The font of the headers of indices like "Contents", "List of Figures"
etc. is different from the rest of the document also I defined it the same
way. Here is my definition of header and footer:

% Kopfzeile

I placed it in front of all the indices.

2. I used





















to get a two column nomenclature with the columns beginning below the
chapter title. Unfortunately "Nomenclature" is now not been recognized as
chapter title by the fancyhdr anymore.

Does anyone know what to do?

Thanks a lot!

Headings of Indices

2015-05-03 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey guys!

I use KOMA script and fancyhdr to define headers and footers of my document.

In my preamble I definded:





To start the headers I wrote:


However, the font of the indices is different from the main chapters.
In addition, the command "cleardoublepage" which in KOMA normaly suppresses
headers and footers on vacant pages is overwritten. How can I delete the
headers and footers on the vacant pages again?

I want the headers to look alike for the whole document.

Thanks guys!

Re: Title page: additional spacings

2015-05-03 Thread Aline Gautrein

I just found a way to do it :-). For those, who might need it:

\tite{blablba \\


2015-05-03 17:54 GMT+02:00 Aline Gautrein :

> Hey Lyx-Gurus!
> It's me - again ;-)
> I created a title page with title and subtitle. I use KOMA script. I
> wanted to add an additional space between title and subtitle.
> My command "\vspace{3 cm}"
> is getting ignored.
> Do I have to write a new titlepage layout to fix this?
> Thanks a lot!

Title page: additional spacings

2015-05-03 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx-Gurus!

It's me - again ;-)

I created a title page with title and subtitle. I use KOMA script. I wanted
to add an additional space between title and subtitle.

My command "\vspace{3 cm}"

is getting ignored.

Do I have to write a new titlepage layout to fix this?

Thanks a lot!

Centering graphics within a table

2015-05-03 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx users!

I've got the following problem:

I made a table, which includes text and graphics. Text and graphics are in
different cells.
I have two problems:

First: I want to center the graphics within the cell: The graphics are
always placed at the top of the cells. I also tried to insert additional
space in a row but in this case, too much free space appears.

The second problem: The text, which is in separated cells is always aligned
at the bottom of the cell, no matter if I try to align it to the top or the
middle of the cells.

Here, how it appears in pdf.:

[image: Inline-Bild 1]

I hope you can help me with this!

Wrong connections in pdf-contents

2015-05-03 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx-Fans!

I have a problem with my contents within the pdf document: The conents are
connected partially wrong. Everything in front of chapter 1 is connected to
the previous entry.
Hey Lyx-Fans!

I have a problem with my contents within the pdf document: The conents are
connected partially wrong. Everything in front of chapter 1 is connected to
the previous entry.

My document includes

Title page
Declaration of own work (not in Contents)
List of Figures
List of Tables

Lyx connects the  Content with the Declaration, Abstract with Content,
Nomenclature with Abstract etc.

Does anyone know what to do?

Thanks a lot!


2015-05-02 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx-fans,

I included a nomenclature within my work. In general, Lyx includes this
list in a one column environment. I found the command


to create the a two column environement. However, the second column on the
first page starts at the top of the page, instead of under the title

I found the solution of editing the package "nomencl" and work around with
ERT. If I do this, do I also have to re-enter all nomenclature entries by
hand? That would cause a lt of work. Is there another solution for this

Thanks a lot and greetings!

Wrong connections in contents

2015-05-01 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx-Fans!

I have a problem with my contents within the pdf document: The conents are
connected partially wrong. Everything in front of chapter 1 is connected to
the previous entry.

My document includes

List of Figures
List of Tables

Lyx connects the  Content with the titlepae, Abstract with Content,
Nomenclature with Abstract etc.

Does anyone know what to do?

Thanks a lot!


2015-04-21 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx-experts!

I have a new problem with my document ;-)
I want to insert a nice header for the document. I already foudn how to
insert the header wit the package {scrpage2}. However, my document begins
with a lot of lists... (table of contents, list of figures, list of tables
etc.} I want the header to begin at the first (second) page of the first
chapter. I managed to start the page numbering at this page with
\mainmatter. I also tried  \thispagestyle{empty} but that did'nt work.

Any suggestions?

Thanks guys!

Centering graphics within a table

2015-04-13 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey Lyx users!

I've got the following problem:

I made a table, which includes text and graphics. Text and graphics are in
different cells.
I have two problems:

First: I want to center the graphics within the cell: The graphics are
always placed at the top of the cells. I also tried to insert additional
space in a row but in this case, too much free space appears.

The second problem: The text, which is in separated cells is always aligned
at the bottom of the cell, no matter if I try to align it to the top or the
middle of the cells.

Here, how it appears in pdf.:

[image: Inline-Bild 1]

I hope you can help me with this!

Thanks a lot!

List of Figures to Toc

2015-03-02 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hey guys,

I am stil trying to resolve my contents problem:

I now try to use



Now I get the error message:

TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].


If you really absolutely need more capacity,

you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.

What can I do?



KOMA Skript

2015-03-02 Thread Aline Gautrein
Hallo liebe Lyx-User,

ich schreibe gerade eine Abschlussarbeit mit Lyx.
Ich schreibe mit KOMA Skript.
Ich habe an den Anfang des Dokumentes Listen für Abbildungen, Tabellen usw.
Im Ausgabedokument steht im Seitenkopf, wo man sich gerade befindet, also
zB.: "List of Figures" oder "List of Tables".

Jetzt mein Problem:
Nach der "List of Tables" folgt noch "List of Abbrevations".
Das Problem: Alle Seiten der "List of Abbrevations" sind mit "List of
Tables" überschriftet.
Weiß jemand, welchen Trenner ich einfügen kann, dass dies nicht mehr
Sowas wie


oder so?

Danke und Grüße