Dear LyX Experts,

I am stuck with a problem that seems to have been sorted out a few years
ago (ticket 3004). The case was about lyx not being able to import a .nw 
(noweb) file, previously exported by lyx from a respective .lyx file (to test 
the noweb import function). 

The result of the import test was reported to be a garbled .lyx file, and 
that's just what I have encountered.
The ticket mentions that a particular user preferences were the culprit, but 
the details have been lost in the mists of time.

I am currently running Debian (Squeeze) and Lyx 1.6.4, installed from .deb 
packages, in two machines. They both share this "feature".

I have tried out e.g. /usr/share/lyx/examples/Literate.lyx, converted it to .nw 
with lyx, then back with $tex2lyx -n -f Literate.nw (using lyx and straight 
from the command line, also with option -c "literate-article"). No luck...
I checked that the tex2lyx binary was replaced when updating to 1.6.4 (it has 
not worked properly in earlier lyx versions either).

I did not notice anything amiss with the .nw file with emacs. When I looked at 
the imported .lyx file it seemed that tex2lyx did not 
recognise "<<chunkname>>=", signalling the start of the code chunk, and act 
accordingly (=apply scrap style to the code chunks). That kind of code seems to 
be in place, however, in

To my knowledge I have not fooled around with the literate format preferences, 
and when I checked them they were defaults (peeked also 
in /usr/share/lyx/preferences, no funny lines there). discusses many tricky issues but not this one.

The solution evades me. Please tell what the cure could be,

Thanks in advance,


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