Images always on new page; never centered

2009-10-05 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)

Hi all,

I am using koma-Book and encounter the following problem:

When I insert graphics into the Appendix, they are always shown on the 
next page. When I set the image into a float-object and use the setting 
"here, always" (sorry ... german version), then _sometimes_ it works 
without page-break. But I don't want to place it as a float-object, 
because in the Appendix it has to be right in the place I choose.

The next problem: The inserted graphics are never centered, even if I 
use the paragraph-setting "align: center". It makes no difference if I 
insert them as floating object or just as image.

Thanks in advance for any idea,

problems with URL in bibliography: urldate, font

2009-04-14 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)


i have the following problem with URLs in my bibliography.

in the bibtex-file i have this syntax:

author = {Staatsinstitut f\"ur Schulqualit\"at und Bildungsforschung, 

year = {o.J.},
title = {{V}ergleichsarbeiten / {P}r\"ufungen},
url = 

urldate = {05.03.2008}

in the bibliography-output i get this:

Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung, München (o.J.). 

/ Prüfungen.
URL \url{

now i would like to display the urldate (with some text like "last 
checked" or something); moreover the font in which the last line appears 
(from "URL ...") is a big, ugly typewriter-font.

i would be glad about any advice, thank you in advance!

Re: bibtex/makebst: address not shown in bibliography

2008-04-07 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)

thanks for the fast reply. but ...

so i want: Smith, J. (1980): Title. In Mayer (ed): Title1, pp. 135-146.
London: Publishing-Company.
but i get: Smith, J. (1980): Title. In Mayer (ed): Title1, pp. 135-146.


Does it work with a normal book ?

as document-class i use book (koma script), when i change to book the 
problem persists (was this your question?)

Are you using crossref or not ?

yes, and the address exists in the referenced entry, but is not printed 
in the bibliography, example:

 crossref = {{S}achs{H}ombach:2003c},
 author = {{S}achs--{H}ombach, {K}laus},
 title = {{G}ibt es ein {B}ildalphabet?},
 pages = {57--66},
 publisher = {{H}alem},
 isbn = {3931606783},
 editor = {{S}achs--{H}ombach, {K}laus and {R}ehk{\"a}mper, {K}laus},
 booktitle = {{B}ildgrammatik: {I}nterdisziplin{\"a}re {F}orschungen 
zur {S}yntax bildlicher {D}arstellungsformen},

 year = {2003}
 year = {2003},
 title = {{B}ildgrammatik:  {I}nterdisziplin{\"a}re {F}orschungen zur 
{S}yntax bildlicher {D}arstellungsformen},

 address = {{K}{\"o}ln},
 publisher = {{H}alem},
 isbn = {3931606783},
 editor = {{S}achs--{H}ombach, {K}laus and {R}ehk{\"a}mper, {K}laus}

is shown as Sachs-Hombach, K. (2003). Gibt es ein Bildalphabet? In K. 
Sachs-Hombach & ..., S.57-66. Halem.

i already tried to copy the @book to the top of the .bib-document, that 
doesn't change anything ...

the editor is shown (wrong) as "Sachs Hombach", but the publisher
(correct) as "Dt. Univ.-Verl."

You should protect the editor name {{S}achs--{H]ombach}

this worked using {S}achs{-}{H}ombach - thanks!


Berthold Metz, PH Freiburg
FuN-Kolleg "Lernen für die Wissensgesellschaft"
Kartäuserstr. 61b, Raum 218 (2. Stock), 79106 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 761 682-919, Fax: +49 761 682-922

bibtex/makebst: address not shown in bibliography

2008-04-06 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)


i am using natbib (author-year) with a style i created with makebst.

i have 2 problems with my bibliography-list at the end of my article - 
perhaps somebody could help me out?

1. when referencing an article in an editorial work, the address of the 
publisher is not shown;

so i want: Smith, J. (1980): Title. In Mayer (ed): Title1, pp. 135-146. 
London: Publishing-Company.
but i get: Smith, J. (1980): Title. In Mayer (ed): Title1, pp. 135-146. 

i worked hard in my bst-file, i feel the problem for the missing address 
could be in the code snippet i quote below this mail ... but i am not sure.

2. in names the dash is suppressed
so my natbib-entry is
 abstract = {{L}iteraturangaben},
 year = {2003},
 title = {{W}as ist {B}ildkompetenz?:  {S}tudien zur {B}ildwissenschaft},
 address = {{W}iesbaden},
 publisher = {{D}t. {U}niv.--{V}erl.},
 isbn = {382984},
 editor = {{S}achs--{H}ombach, {K}laus}
the editor is shown (wrong) as "Sachs Hombach", but the publisher 
(correct) as "Dt. Univ.-Verl."

any help is highly appreciated.
thanks in advance

{ 't :=
  address empty$ t empty$ and
  address "address" bibinfo.check *
  t empty$
{ address empty$
{ ": " * }
  t *

Re: need recommendation for bibtex-style

2008-03-05 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)

thanks for the fast answer. when i use this style i get a lot of errors.

when inserting the bibliography, i have to submit the database (my 
bibtex-file) and a style (IEEEtran ... plain, plainat, siam etc.); which 
style do i have to select there?

>> i need to cite in the "author-year-style" (Smith 2005:13). right now 
i use tubspsy, but this is very old (e.g., internetdocs can't be used 

> You can try out "natbib": Delect this in the document settings under 
Bibliography and select the author-year style.

> regards Uwe
Berthold Metz, PH Freiburg
FuN-Kolleg "Lernen für die Wissensgesellschaft"
Kartäuserstr. 61b, Raum 218 (2. Stock), 79106 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 761 682-919, Fax: +49 761 682-922

need recommendation for bibtex-style

2008-03-05 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)

hi all,

i need to cite in the "author-year-style" (Smith 2005:13). right now i 
use tubspsy, but this is very old (e.g., internetdocs can't be used 
which style would be suitable for me? i am a pure lyx-user, so i am not 
very good in judging this backend-stuff.

thanks in advance!

Berthold Metz, PH Freiburg
FuN-Kolleg "Lernen für die Wissensgesellschaft"
Kartäuserstr. 61b, Raum 218 (2. Stock), 79106 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 761 682-919, Fax: +49 761 682-922

Re: how to change some attributes of textclasses/environments?

2008-01-12 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)


thanks for the helpful answers. I indeed was talking about the format of 
the compiled doc.

I read a little in the KOMA-Docs, and I decided not to hack anything if 
possible. But there is one thing I _have_ to change: English words like 
"Table" or "Chapter" or "Contents" - and I would need the German ones. 
Does anybody know intuitively how to change this?

Thx in advance.

Berthold Metz, PH Freiburg
FuN-Kolleg "Lernen für die Wissensgesellschaft"
Kartäuserstr. 61b, Raum 218 (2. Stock), 79106 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 761 682-919, Fax: +49 761 682-922

how to change some attributes of textclasses/environments?

2008-01-11 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)


i have a - very basal - problem for which i couldn't find any solution 
neither on the web nor in the documentation. and pease sorry: i am very 
new to lyx/tex.

i startet writing an longer document using koma-book. i would like to 
change some attributes for specific textclasses/environments (e.g. for 
the environment "quote" a smaller font-size), and i am not able to do 
this. how/where can i change them?

thx for help in advance!


question for "srcbook.layout"

2007-12-14 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)

hi all,

i just installed lyx 1.5.2-1-package. now i encounter the problem which 
was discussed here:

i cannot find this file with the miktext package manager - so is there 
anything other i could do?

thx in advance


2007-12-14 Thread Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg)

hi all,

i just installed lyx 1.5.2-1-package. now i encounter the problem which 
was discussed here:

i cannot find this file with the miktext package manager - so is there 
anything other i could do?

thx in advance