I have just started using Lyx to create patent documents. I am using
version 1.1.5fix1 and installed it as an rpm binary. It is working quite
well, but I have a couple questions. Right now I am printing out using
the Times font, but I may need to create output using a sans serif font.
I went to the document menu and clicked on helvit. I understand that
this does not change the screen font. But when I preview the document as
dvi or postscript it shows up as Times! Nothing I do can get Lyx to
output anything but Times. So maybe my install is messed up somehow. In
addition the list of fonts that appear in Lyx is a small subset of the
type 1 fonts I have installed and are known to the X font server. Why is
this? And if I change the screen font to helvit I get the right thing.
A second question involves line numbers. I did not see anything in the
Lyx menus that would get me line numbers so I went off and downloaded
the lineno.sty package, figured out how to put Tex in a Lyx document and
the line number stuff is working. But in order for Lyx (LaTex?) to find
the lineno.sty macro, it has to be in the current directory with the
document. This means that I will have to have a copy of lineno.sty for
each document I create and this seems rather ugly. Is there a way that I
can tell Lyx where to look for sty files?

Thanks, Dave

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