multi-page figure

2010-05-07 Thread David Wang
Hi Lyxers,

I have two images (in eps) that I'd like to put under the same figure
number (to be cross referred) with somewhat different captions, for

Fig. 1. Sea surface temperature in (a) January and  (b) April
Fig. 1. (Continued) Sea surface temperature in (c) July and (d) October

But they are too big to be accommodated in a single page (resizing is
not the best option since the details in the images would become less
clear). I wonder how to put them in two consecutive pages respectively
in Lyx.


turn and live.

Re: parenthetical citation

2010-01-02 Thread David Wang
Thank you, rh! That does the trick.


On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 6:09 PM, rgheck  wrote:

> On 01/02/2010 05:40 PM, David Wang wrote:
>> Dear Lyxers,
>> It's my first time to use bibtex bibliography in lyx. Everything looks
>> perfectly nice except that parenthetical citations use square brackets
>> instead of round parentheses in the text. Namely, the pdf output renders
>> Jones et al. [2000], rather than Jones et al. (2000). I use natbib
>> (Document
>> ->  Settings ->  Bibliography ->  Natbib (Author-year), and the sytle is
>> plannat), and thought the default behaviour is round parenthetical
>> citations
>> which are what I want. I then added \usepackage[round]{natbib} in the
>> preamble, but lyx isn't happy about that and complains an option clash.
> Add "round" to the class options, under Document>Settings, rather than to
> the preamble. (LyX loads natbib for you, so you can't load it again.)
> rh

turn and live.

parenthetical citation

2010-01-02 Thread David Wang
Dear Lyxers,

It's my first time to use bibtex bibliography in lyx. Everything looks
perfectly nice except that parenthetical citations use square brackets
instead of round parentheses in the text. Namely, the pdf output renders
Jones et al. [2000], rather than Jones et al. (2000). I use natbib (Document
-> Settings -> Bibliography -> Natbib (Author-year), and the sytle is
plannat), and thought the default behaviour is round parenthetical citations
which are what I want. I then added \usepackage[round]{natbib} in the
preamble, but lyx isn't happy about that and complains an option clash. Did
I miss anything obvious here? How can I make lyx/bibtex give citations with
round parentheses rather than square brackets?

I'm running lyx 1.6.4 under Fedora 12. It was installed through "yum install
lyx". The latex backbone is the yummed texlive 2007.

Thank you,

turn and live.

esint conflicts

2009-10-05 Thread David Wang
Hi there,

I'm writing for an American Meteorological Society journal. They have their
own style file etc.

Since I understand it's nontrivial to create a layout corresponding to that,
what I do is to import a blank template tex file they provide into lyx,
write everything in lyx, and export the latex source which only needs slight
modification to conform to their format.

However, when I have integrals in my text, the lyx file fails to compile,
with error messages like,

command \iint already defined.

Apparently there is a conflict between the esint package that lyx uses and
something in the ametsoc package. I wonder how I can solve this conflict.
I'm new to lyx and have limited knowledge of latex.

Thank you,

turn and live.

\kappa not displayed

2009-09-27 Thread David Wang

I'm using Lyx 1.6.4 on Windows XP, in which \kappa cannot be displayed.
Instead an open square is shown in place. This is true in all math modes
(inline, display and numbered). The resultant PDF, however, does show the
letter \kappa correctly. This problem does not exist in the same version of
Lyx on my office computer running Fedora Linux. Is it a bug?


PS: thank Richard and Julien for answering my previous question on
formatting exported Latex source.

turn and live.

exported latex source code

2009-09-23 Thread David Wang

I'm fairly new to Lyx.

I found exported latex source (by File->Export->LaTex(plain)) is not
terribly clean. Specifically, \begin{equation} and \end{equation} in general
don't start at the first column and occupy one line each like, for example,

\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{A} \cdot \mathbf{x}

Instead they are embedded in plain text and can appear anywhere within a
line. This reduces the code readability when I need to modify latex source

So my question is, how to make Lyx export latex source of clearer format?
Did I miss anything simple?


turn and live.