Re: pdflatex impossible, no error message

2009-04-15 Thread Dr. Wang Yongqiao
No pdflatex, no error message. I also meet the issue. Two possible reasons: 1. UTF8, some words like ff, fl 2. Directory of the lyx file. My OS is windows. If I put the lyx file on the desktop, I am sure to receive no result and no response. I guess that the pathon cannot recognize the directo

Re: pdflatex impossible, no error message

2009-04-15 Thread Dr. Wang Yongqiao
, in my cases it is always the same iconv issue when there is no error message and no result after pdf export. -- Dr. Wang Yongqiao College of Finance, Zhejiang Gongshang University Addr: No.18, Xuezheng Str., Xiasha, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310018, China Tel: 86-13216816222 Email: wan

How to insert a logo into beamer's sidebar?

2008-10-30 Thread Dr. Wang Yongqiao
How to insert a logo into beamer's sidebar? I put the following code into the preamble, but it doesn't work. \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,width=1.4cm,height=1.4cm]{mylogo}{logo} \setbeamertemplate{sidebar left} { \pgfuseimage{mylogo} .. } Many thanks!